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Anya anxiously bounced her leg as she stood at a stand still in the customs line with Mal and Alina. They had reached port less than an hour ago, and the whole time Anya had a pit in her stomach. She could feel something was wrong but couldn't pin point what it was.

"Have your papers ready." A customs officer said as he walked down the line Anya, Alina and Mal stood in. Alina, sensing her sisters anxiousness gently wrapped her free hand around Anya's. Anya shot her sister a thankful smile to which Alina nodded at.

"We'll be okay." Alina said with a tone of reassurance laced in her voice.

"I hope we look like tourists from Ketterdam." Mal said, interrupting the sisters moment. Alina glanced at Mal leaning on closer to him.

"As long as these papers from Kaz work." She whispered. Anya flinching at his name did not go unnoticed. Mal gave a sympathetic look as she reached behind Alina to to give a gentle squeeze on Anya's shoulder. Realizing what she did, Alina winced before looking at Anya with a scrunches face.

"Sorry." Anya glanced at Alina before turning her head forward.

"It doesn't matter." She said shaking her head, a stone expression on her face. "I've got bigger things to worry about than a bastard from Ketterdam." Alina and Mal exchanged a look of concern. They both could see it even it she couldn't. Something in Anya was changing.Whether it was for good or bad was still yet to be determined.

"So we go with my plan." Anya announced, making the two friends turn their heads to her.

"We find the Sea Whip. That's why we're here." She stated. Mal shook his head slightly.


" I've thought it through." She says whipping her head towards him. "One amplifier might not be enough, so we'll get two."

"Anya, we don't know the risks if we try this." Mal said, trying to stick some reasoning into the Summoners head.

"No Grisha's ever done it before. Not even a Saint." Anya could feel the annoyance building within her. She didn't understand why Mal couldn't see that her plan was foolproof. It was simple, Anya and Alina share the amplifier, and take down the Fold.

"No one's ever torn down the Fold before either." She said finally snapping. Mal stumbled as the orange and yellow hues of her powers light up in her eyes. This wasn't the first time she's slightly lost control on them since escaping. Looking around, Mal quickly grabbed onto Anya's arms guiding her to look into his eyes.

"I know you can do it someday." He said softly, trying to calm the raging Phoenix inside of her.

"You will get there. You both will. I just don't want to see it kill you in the process, okay?" Her eyes faded back to her original color. Realizing she had lost control, Anya glanced down at the ground taking a deep breath. After a few breaths, her eyes met Mal's and she nodded to let him know she was okay.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. Alina gently took Anya into her arms before wrapping her in a hug. They stayed like that for a few moments until a customs officer announced where the refugee line was. Anya let go of Alina, glancing behind her at the new line forming.

"Refugees." She whispered, sharing a look with Alina. The two quickly started walking over, ignoring Mal's protesting for them to stay.

"Excuse me. What happened? The war?" Alina asked, gently touching the shoulder of the female refugee. The women looked at the two in sorrow.

"The Fold. It moved overnight." Anya felt her heart drop into her stomach. Her dream, it really happened. And if that was real, what else could be. Anya felt her blood go cold. What if Aleksander was alive as well?

"Swallowed half our village. It keeps growing." Alina grasped Anya's hand before returning to Mal.

"They're not nightmares. It's really happening." Alina states, whispering to Mal with a hint of fear in her voice.

"This can't be happening. If this is real ,then what else could be true." Anya whispered, placing a hand on her forehead. Mal looked around before fixing his gaze on the girls.

"So we find the Sea Whip. You check the library. I'll ask the fishermen when they return from their haul." Anya looked up with a look of relief on her face. She wrapped her arms tightly around Mal, him reciprocating.

"Thank you." She whispered.


Hey all! Sorry I've been MIA for a bit. Life has truly become hectic. I think what I plan to do is try to finish writing the entire story before I post it, just cause I haven't found myself a lot of time to actually write. Thank you guys so much for all over your lovely comments. It truly makes me happy to see that so many people love my story!

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