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Anya stood with her back against the wall as she watched Jesper rig up some sort of explosive device.

"Is that meant to hurt people?" Anya asked. While she knew Inej wouldn't do any harm to her, she was still skeptical of Kaz and Jesper's intentions. Jesper looks over his shoulder. He could understand why she was skeptical of them. Who wouldn't be? She left the little palace, putting her trust in the people who got her out. Only for her to discover that the reason they helped her was just so they could turn her in for money.

"No." Jesper answered honestly. "It's more so to let us know if or when the Second Army shows up. Anya nodded looking back down at her feet. If the second army were to find her, she would be brought back to General Kirigan. She would lose all free will of her life and be forced to be part of whatever plan Kirigan has set in place.

"Are you okay?" He asks noticing her far off look. Anya snaps out of her thoughts meeting Jespers concerned gaze. She looks away from Jesper, and shakes her head biting her lip in response.

"I shouldn't be here. I'm too dangerous and if he catches you, he'll kill you all." Anya states referring to Kirigan. Jesper furrows his eyebrows in confusion standing up to face her.

"Who? The General?" Anya nods. "You took away his power."

"You mean yourself and Alina." She nods again.

"He'll stop at nothing to get us back. That's why I can't be here. As long as I am standing here, you're all in danger."

"You don't look very dangerous to me." Jesper says in attempt to brighten the conversation.

"It's not me you need to worry about...it's her." Anya whispers vaguely.

"Her? Who's her?" Anya winces as she feels her power surge. That was the Phoenix's way of telling her to stop talking. Jesper watches in curiosity as Anya's face began to glow almost as if she had cracks on her face. The power fades and Anya lets out a staggered sigh.

"I'm guessing that's her?" Jesper concluded. Anya nods wrapping her arms tightly around herself. A sad smile appears on Jesper face and he reaches over placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. We'll protect you. You won't be taken back to him, not if I have anything to say about." Anya looked up to meet his gaze. She found no trace deceit in his eyes, she actually let out a genuine smile for the first time since escaping the Little Palace.


Jesper escorted Anya back inside the tavern with him slowly trailing behind her. They reached the table where Kaz peering down at his pocket watch.

"The alarm trigger is set." Jesper announces dropping his bag on the table. "Horses are ready and I've stashed the rest of our gear."

"If we don't move soon, the Black General will be on top of us."

"He's here..." Anya's head snaps up looking at the door which doesn't go unnoticed.

"We can't waste any more time looking for Alina." Kaz states keeping a close eye on Anya who stood with her gaze fixed on the door.

"I just settled our tab with the last of our coin." Inej announces sitting down at the table.

"We're really gonna leave empty-handed, then?" Anya's surroundings fade away and the only thing she can focus on is the door straight ahead.

"He's here." She mumbles. Suddenly an explosion goes off knocking Anya out of her daze. She turns to the crows who share a look.

"The alarm." Anya says looking at Jesper. Anya's breathing staggers and Jesper takes a step forward gripping onto her shoulders.

"He's here- He found us." Anya whimpers. Kaz abruptly stands up, catching her attention. He throws on his coat beckoning the crows and Anya towards the door.

"Split up, much easier to take a Grisha one-on-one than a whole squad of them." Kaz approaches Anya gently grasping her arm. He leads them out of the tavern, blending in with the dispersing crowd.

"Rendezvous at the fountain." They start to head down the stone path, only for Polina to spot them. She first notices Anya in Kaz's grasp then the designs on Inej's knifes. The same ones that killed her brother.

"No!" She shouts sending a fire ball their way. Kaz pulls Anya out of firing range and down one of the alley ways. They walked around a corner, the only sound being the clicking of Kaz's cane against the stone ground.

Anya looks up and gasps. She comes to a complete stop and intertwines their hands pulling him to a stop . From the shadows Aleksander emerges his eyes fixated on Kaz. She grasps Kaz's wrist with her free hand trying to steady her racing pulse.

"Well I see you have my Phoenix Summoner. Now you're going to tell me where you stashed my Sun Summoner." Kaz steps back slightly, subtlety placing his body in front of Anya protectively. He wasn't about to lose her again.

"We didn't take them. Anya came to us and the other fled on her own." Aleksander's gaze flickers over to Anya who still has a hand grasped onto his arm. She remains still waiting for his reaction only for him to maintain a neutral expression.

"Anya. Come. I can explain everything." He states holding out his hand. Anya's gaze hardens.

"No." A shocked expression overtakes both Kaz and Aleksander's face. Anya kept her glare on Aleksander slowly stepping forward.

"You shouldn't have come here." She hisses. He holds up his head high replying in a monotone voice.

"Why is that? I've only come to bring you home."

"I don't have a home! You made sure of that!" Kaz could feel her anger rising and gently  drawing small circles on her hand.

"You lied to me about everything! You knew I was the Phoenix Summoner this whole time! Don't try to lie I can read your mind!" Aleksander's eyes widen at this new piece of information.

"I know everything. I know you were the one to expose my powers. You tried to lock that memory away but I remember everything. It was your shadow monster that attacked me. You told me everyone I loved was dead, and you used me for my powers. You never loved me, you saw me for one thing and one thing only. A pawn. A pawn in your sick twisted game for power. Well, you know what Aleksander. I'm tired of being used as pawn for other peoples games. Especially yours." Anya's eyes flair up and her hair floats around her head.

"No, that's not true." He states smoothly walking closer to the pair. "I can help you Anya. I can help you control it. You just have to listen to me."

"No. No I don't." Anya steps back standing next to Kaz once again. Aleksander, now noticing their intwined hands let's out an improbable laugh.

"Him? You're seriously going to choose him? An incomparable thief." He hisses. Anya meets Kaz's awaiting gaze. She smiles softly to him before giving her answer.


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