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"Ever Grisha to ever step foot in the palace is trained by Baghra." Anya explains as herself and Alina walk through the palace grounds towards Baghra's hut.

"She trains us to control and harness our powers. It's honestly quite brutal, I'd hope I'd never have to train with her again but, here we are." Anya sighs not looking forward to once again learning control with Baghra.

It's not that Anya didn't like the women, in fact she admired her. Baghra is a stern women who doesn't take kindly to laziness. It had taken Anya months when she first arrived to stop being afraid of Baghra's smacking stick to actually be able to produce anything. Silence takes over between the two girls causing Anya to slip deep in thought. She couldn't stop thinking about what the apparat said to her. What was she in possession of that made the apparat shrivel back in fear. He may not have shown it at the time but Anya could tell he was frightened of her.

"Are you alright?" Alina asks snapping Anya out of her daze. Anya turns to look at her about to tell her but then decides against it seeing her worried face.

"It's nothing." Anya answers "You should focus on your lesson with Baghra."

"You aren't joining me?"

"No, General Kirigan wants us to train separately until we both have control over our powers, then we will train to control together." Anya and Alina reached the door to Baghra's hut. Alina glanced at it nervously before looking back at Anya.

"You'll be fine." Anya nods. Alina takes a deep breath before stepping into the hut.


Anya sat outside Baghra's hut for what felt like hours waiting for Alina to exit. Finally after a few more moments the door flew open and Alina went flying out.

"Alina." Anya calls standing up from her seat, but Alina continues to march her way to the palace.

"She's ready for you now." One of Baghra's spies says from behind her. Anya takes a deep breath smoothing down her kefta, entering the dark hut. It's just as eerie and quiet as she remembers as she descends the stone steps into the hut. She reaches the bottom coming face to face with Baghra who sat in a chair holding a cup of tea in her hands.

"Anya Djar." She says, her dark eyes staring into Anya's. "I always knew there was something different about you." Anya says nothing as she stares back at Baghra.

"Don't tell me you've gone deaf." Baghra states. Anya doesn't say anything. Baghra motions towards the chair by Anya.

"Sit down." Anya slowly lowers herself into the chair not breaking eye contact with Baghra.

"Well?" Baghra asks. Anya eyebrows furrow in confusion her eyes darting from Baghra to the wall and back to Baghra.

"Well what?"

"Are you stupid girl?"


"Senile? Deaf? Show me what I want to see."

Anya looks down at her hands. Baghra smacks Anya in the arm with her stick causing the girl to shout.


"Show me!" She demands again. Anya raises her hands in front of her. She closes her eyes trying to focus the power. Baghra watches as the girl struggles to produce the power. Her hands spark showing only a glimpse of her power.

Baghra smacks her again.

"Pathetic! You're not even trying!"

"I am!"

"If you truly were you'd be able to show me more than a spark." Anya places her hands back in her lap looking down. Baghra observes the girl. She has known Anya since she was a little girl and she knows first hand that Anya is not the type of person to give up after one try.

"You're scared. And you'll never be able to control the power if you continue to fear it. Out. We will try again tomorrow."

Anya quickly stands from her seat fleeing the hut. She reaches her room and shuts the door behind her placing her back against it. She takes several deep breaths feeling tears fall down her cheeks.

Baghra was right, she was terrified of this power, all she can think about is what she felt when she faced the Fjerdan in the wood. Utterly chaotic power with the ability disintegrate a man just from touch.

If she wanted to control it she needed to stop being afraid. Unfortunately that's easier said than done.

'Saints give me a miracle'

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