Chapter 3 - Tricked

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Kate's POV:

"You said you were taking us to your apartment!" Louis yells.

"Come on. We are fans. As if we would just take you home, say goodbye and drive off happily ever after. No." I said sarcastically.

"Give us a chance!" Rilee pleads.

"Our manager always tells us to be wary..." Niall gulps.

"We can never tell how crazy our fans are and what they might do." Liam adds.

"One time we got kidnapped and a bunch of girls filled their pool with underwear then threw us in!" Louis yells smiling.

"I wish!" Harry winks at me.

"Louis is a bad liar." Niall says with a chuckle.

"Come on boys, lets go and get you something to eat and drink." Amelia says while stepping out of the car.

"Only since your cute." I can't help but feel like Harry was directing that at me.

We all step out of the car and into Kate's home.

"Your parents aren't home Kate?" Sophie asks.

"They are still working at school, they will be home later on." I reply.

"Grab a seat!" I tell everyone when we settle inside.

Everyone sits down, the boys lined up on the couch and the girls sitting on the floor staring at them.

I can't believe one direction is in my house!






Harry's POV:

I was in a strangers house. What the hell was I thinking! And why are these girls just sitting there staring at me?

I get up and walk over to the kitchen where I find one of the girls struggling to carry the drinks over to us all.

"Do you need some help love?" I ask as she passes me some drinks.

"I can't believe your in my house!" She says while staring into my eyes.

"Well, umm, we kind of don't have a choice?" I reply.

"I'm not trying to hold you hostage." She says as she walks off and begins to hand out the drinks. I follow her and do the same.

I settle down with the boys on the comfy couch.






Rilees POV:

"So boys, what shall we do for the rest of the afternoon?"

"I know!" Kate screams, "we can exchange numbers, go to the park, prank call, or even go on a dinner date!"

"Omg, yes! We can get into that really fancy place down the road who excepts celebrities and their dates only!"

"Island prime?" Niall asks.

"Yes! Great idea! And I know who will be my date." Rilee winks at Louis.

"Hold up ladies, we are not going on dates with you all!" Liam yells.

"You owe us big time." Sophie says.

"Yeah!" Simone says in agreement.

"So who will date who?" Harry smirks.

"HARRY!" The boys all yell at once.

"I bags Louis!" Rilee screams.

"Well ok then." He gets up and walks over to sit beside Rilee.

"I'll take Liam." Simone says. Liam smiles.

"Niall!" Amelia yells as she runs and jumps on top of him.

"I guess I'll take Zayn," Sophie mutters, "Only if I have too."

"Kate, I guess your with Harry then?" Simone smiles.

Harry opens his arms up to Kate motioning her to come over closer to him.

"You boys have to let us get ready then we will meet you outsides Sophie's house." I say.

"Can you boys drive us there in maybe a limo?" Amelia asks.

"Sure, now can you girls please just drop us home!" Liam and Zayn say almost in sync.

"First things first. Give me your numbers would you?" I requested.

-Later on at Sophie's House-

We were waiting outside for the boys to show up with our faces caked in make up. We wanted to look the best when we showed up to the 5 star restaurant.

10 minutes had passed and I was beginning to wonder whether our idols had failed us and tricked us the same way we tricked them.

We waited longer, and Kate kept saying, "just be patient, they probably just got help up in traffic."

Time went by quite quickly but there was still no sign of the boys.

-1h 30mins later-

They weren't coming. We received no texts, no phone calls.

I could see a tear forming in Kate's eyes as it slowly rolled down her cheek.

I walked over to her and sat down.

"It's ok Kate, maybe they got held up?"

"No. I hate him!" She screamed.

We all gave up. They weren't coming, and the ones who we looked up to just broke our hearts.

We all walked off in separate directions towards our own homes.

I felt myself shed a tear.


I'm sorry this chapter is so damn sad, but just keep reading to find out what happens next!

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