Chapter 22 - Through the Haze

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- Kates POV -

"Noooooooo!" I screamed at the top of my lounges.

I held my arms above my head as a man tackled me to the floor. I pounded my fists against his head in defence as he pinned my arms to the ground.

"Harry!" I sobbed. He wouldn't wake up.

"Shut up!" The man spoke with forceful violence as he held the gun to my head.

I was feeling dizzy at the thought of being killed. I was too young to die and it wasn't fair. I still have a whole life to live.

When i thought all was lost, the man who was pinning me down dropped with a thud.

"Dylan?" I stared up at him.

"Yes it's me Kate." He replied.

"You saved me." I spoke with gratitude.

"We need to get out of here. There is no time to talk." He spoke like an angle.

"But Harry... we can't just leave him here!" I reached up and held Harry's soft hand. He didn't flinch at all.

"He isn't responsive and we can't to anything. Your with me now." He lay his hand on my shoulder.

"I just can't..."

"Kate." He stared at me.

I sobbed trying to hold back my tears.

"Grab the gun. Grab the ammo. We are getting out of here." He ordered.

"Im not touching that gun! I could hurt someone!" I yelled.

"It's either you hurt them or they hurt you. Your choice. I have made up my mind, and I'm leaving. Stay here and get killed if you want to."

I looked over at Harry in awe. His perfect face resting against the couch pillow. I looked up at Dylan, and into his eyes.

"He'll be alright. By you staying here you are putting him in even more danger."Dylan grabbed onto my shirt and towed my out of the tent.

"Here, hold this." he chucked a gun at me. "Careful, it's loaded." He laughed.

"Now is not the time for jokes." I stared at him sternly.

"Just be prepared to shoot." He lead me over towards his silver lamborghini.

"Shoot?" I whispered to myself.

"Get in quickly." He raced around to the drivers side door.

As we were speeding along the deserted highway I began to develop a strange sense.

"What is going on. Please explain." I urged him to speak.

"The bad guys." He said.

"What? The bad guys what!" i yelled.

"The bad guys are coming after you." He spoke again.

"What? Why?" I created a tight grip on his shoulder.

"Because you are the only one who can-" Just as he spoke a bomb blast two hundred metres ahead radiated out towards us. The impact stopped us from moving and forced us back a coupe metres.

"What was that!" I screamed.

"The bad guys. I told you."

"They are not trying to kill us are they? Are they?" I yelled at him with force.

"Yes." He spoke bluntly.

"Yes? that all your going to say?" I demanded for more information.

"Stop the car!" I screamed.


"Why! Why! Why! Because this is crazy. What the heck is going on!" I screamed.

"The bad guys are here. You have something they want. We can't give it to them." He pulled to a complete stop. "Quick get out. Follow me."

We ditched his car as he lead me down an ally way.

"Your telling me that these guys are trying to get something from me?"

"Yes. No one knows what it is." We climbed a rusty ladder on the side of one of the ten story buildings.

"How high up do we go?" I asked.

"To the top!" He screamed over the pelting bullets raining around us.

I got the urge to climb faster before i was hit by the shells.

"Get over here! Under cover!" He pulled me in close.

"Why are we up here!" I yelled.

"We are waiting for a chopper."

"A helicopter?" I stared at him.

"Yes. We need to get out of here."

"Over there!" I pointed in the direction of the chopper.

"Quick follow me!" He ran out into open fire.

"We have to jump? Thats insane!" I restricted him from moving any further.

"Trust in yourself Kate. Jump." Dylan leaned forward and jumped, creating a strong grip on the rope which trailed out of the helicopter.

I took a few steps back in preparation to jump. As i launched myself from the edge of the building i reached out to grab onto the rope.

For that one moment in time i froze.

My heart skipped a beat, just like the time when i first met Harry. Only then did i realise what made me feel so secure, so happy.

I missed the rope.

As i was hurtling towards the ground time began to slow down.

Harry. He was the reason i'm so happy. I've been ignoring him. All he wants to do is look after and protect me.

I fell at high speeds as the ground approached me.

I was waiting for the splat, maybe even a little pain. There was nothing.

I woke up in a haze. Harry, who was startled by my awakening rose up and off the couch.

"Whats wrong love?" He held my hand.

"What? Your alive? Im here? Where is Dylan? Where are the bad guys?" I was completely confused.

"Dylan who?"

"Never mind."

"Why are you so flustered?" He looked concerned.

"I think i had a bad dream. A really bad dream. More like a nightmare."

"Was I in it?" Harry sounded interested.

"Ah yeah. At the start...."

"What happened? Tell me, did i save you?" I didn't want to disappoint him by telling him that he was dead and lifeless on the couch throughout the whole nightmare.

"Ummm.... you lead me out of the tent and fought off the bad guys..." I lied.

"Oh sick!" He punched the air with a closed fist.

"Uhhh yeah."

"Did i like take them out with guns and stuff?" he asked.

"Yeah.... that happened."

"Man, i wish i could of had that dream."

I wanted to say, 'no you wouldn't of liked to have that dream' but that might of hurt his feelings. I lay back on the couch in a huff. I could feel two small beads of sweat on my forehead.

I never want to sleep again.


This was a fun chapter to write. Please share your ideas with me about what could happen next.

FOTC: Fresh snow absorbs sound, lowering ambient noise over a landscape because the trapped air between snowflakes attenuates vibration. That's why it gets so quite when it snows.

^if your smart you will understand it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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