Chapter 7 - The night has come

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Kate's POV:

-Ring Ring-

My phone violently vibrates in my pocket, it's Harry.

"Hello?" I speak into the mic.

"Hello Kate, just checking in to confirm our date tonight." He spoke softly.

"Oh of course Harry!" My voice rises in anticipation.

"It will be at Island Prime, just like we promised, and this time I won't fail you."

"Thanks so much Harry, it means a lot."

"I'd do anything for you.... I mean.... For fans...."

There was a short silence on the end of the line.

"So umm, pick us up at Sophie's?" I asked.

"Yes, and I will be there."

"Ok Harry, see you later."

"Bye Luv."

The phone goes dead and I'm forced into silence again.

My life has changed rapidly, every since I met my idol.

I stare up at my wall, I had fixed all my posters after my violent rage the other day.

"So stupid." I whisper.

If I only knew.

If I knew then none of my posters would have sellotape covering Harry's gorgeous face.






-later on at Sophie's house (again)-

We were all in the same place, at the same time, with the same people. It felt like déjà vu.

Just myself, Sophie, Amelia, Rilee and Simone.

"They can't be too far away." I say to Rilee.

"We all look amazing!" Amelia says while fixing a stray piece of hair.

Around the corner came the same shiny limo that we rode in the other day.

It pulled to a stop outside Sophie's house.

The window rolled down.

"Girls get in or we'll be late!" A familiar voice called out from the back seat, Zayn.

We all climbed in, as Zayn motioned for Sophie to come sit next to him.

The interior was in mint condition. The seats all polished and the windows were crystal clean.

We moved on our way and I thanked the boys many times for taking us out.






-Island Prime-

We had been driving for what felt like ages!

When we finally pulled up the boys took each dates hand and we were lead past the security and inside to our table.

"This is so fancy!" Rilee mouthed to me.

"I know Right!" I mouthed back.

We got seated.

"Drinks anyone?" A waitress was standing behind me holding her pen and paper.

I give a glare at Harry signaling him to take our orders.

I was impressed. He somehow knew what everyone would have ordered.

When our food arrived it didn't last long before we completely devoured it.

"Well that was delicious wasn't it." Louis smiled while licking his lips.

"Omg, isn't that Alex Pettyfer over there!" Sophie rushes over to him to get an autograph and photo.

"Sophie! Your so embarrassing!" Rilee moaned.

The waitress came over to talk to Harry so I listened into their conversation.

"Sorry to bother you sir, but I just wanted to make you aware that a kind man has just taken your tab."

"Oh, well that's awesome, can I please pay for the person with the most expensive tab in this room, I like to pay it forward." He asked.

"Of course Mr Styles."

"Could you tell me who took my tab?"

"Justin Bieber." She replied.

"What a nice lad. Thank you." Harry smiled then turned back to us to join into our conversation.

"Hey Kate..." Harry looks up at me.

"Yes?" I stare into his eyes.

"Can I please speak to you outside?" He asked, how could I resist that face.

He took my hand as we walked off.

We came to a small garden with pretty fairy lights hanging low in the trees.

We both sat down on a small wooden chair.

The wind was blowing through my hair, I shivered.

Harry removed his coat and hung it over my shoulders.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"Don't mention it." He replied.

He moved in closer, giving me a warm smile.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I stared deeply into his eyes.

"Kate, I just can't explain something. When I'm around you I just...." He stopped speaking.

We stared up at each other.

"Maybe nows not the right time." I whisper.

I stand up and Harry grabs onto my hand.

"Please don't leave Kate, I need to tell you something."

"Ok, I'm listening. But we have to make this quick as everyone will be wondering where we have got to."

"Kate. I love You." His words hit me hard in the chest. Harry Styles likes me. Harry Styles.

"And I know you think of yourself as just a fan, but I know your more than that. You treated me differently than most girls, and I like that."

"I...I..." He held a finger to my lips to stop me from talking.

"There is no need to say anything other than, "I love you."

He leaned in close, our eyes closed.

Our foreheads rested together.

As our lips touched, a spark deep inside of me ignited.

"I love you." I whispered.


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