Chapter 9 - The Interview

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-Kate's POV-

Harry had invited Amelia, Simone, Sophie, Rilee and I over to their apartment today and we had all just crammed ourselves into the elevator.

I can't believe I'm visiting One Directions apartment for the second time in 24 hours.

I hope Harry is feeling a bit better after yesterday's drama.

I walked down the hallway, yet again.

Simone stepped forward and knocked loudly on the door.

This time Niall answered the door.

"Hello there girls." He smiled at us all, but really he was eyeing up Amelia.

"Hey Niall." Simone fist bumped him.

We all invited ourselves in.

All the boys were sitting down on their custom white leather lounge chair.

We all sat beside them, and no one said a word for a good 5 minutes.

So Rilee spoke to break the silence, "So, Kate and Harry were caught kissing."

"Nothing unusual about that is there?" Sophie winked at me.

"Sophie!" I give her the death stare.

"We need to make this quick." Liam spoke bluntly.

"The issue has caused mayhem. We literally broke the Internet, it's down." Harry smiled.

"I thought that was because you were charging your phone in the bath then it got electrified Haz?" Zayn was being smart.

"Well yes, but ummm...." He forgot his words.

"We are here to think of a solution about Kate and Harry's moment." Simone reminded us all.

"We need to form a plan of action!" Louis yelled.

"We could do a public break up!" Sophie yelled.

"No." I answered.

"I've got it!" Niall screamed, "we do an interview."

"Niall! Ur a genius!" Harry smiled, "we will organise an interview and somehow we will try to bring up the topic. Then I can clear things up for sure!"

"Who do you want me to get in contact with Harry?" Liam asked as he went through all his contacts.

"How about Ellen?" I ask.

"Great idea, she can help us get the word out there." Harry held my hand and whispered, "I'll fix this Kate."






-The Interview at The Ellen Show-

-Harry's POV-

I was backstage waiting with Louis. We had convinced the others to stay behind at the apartment and watch everything from the TV.

A big man behind me tapped me on the shoulder and signaled to me to walk on stage.

"Tonight our special guest is.... HARRY STYLES!" I heard Ellen yell as the roar of the crowd grew louder when I stepped out from behind the curtain.

There were girls in the front row going crazy and people were taking pictures with their phones.

I walked over and took a seat.

"Thanks so much for having me Ellen." I spoke in a cheery tone.

"It's my pleasure." She smiled softly at me.

"The atmosphere is great in here and I love your audience."

"How have you been?" She handed me a full glass of water.

"Great, I have enjoyed this vacation so much."

"I saw you were caught in the mall, how did this happen?"

"Niall wanted to stop off at SoYo and some fans spotted us. It really blew up from then onwards."

"Niall and his SoYo." She laughed.

"Yes, and it's amazing the people you meet."

"Have you made any new friends during your vacation?" She was onto something, trying to drill information out of me.

"Ummm, yes I have."

"And who may they be."

"Well, it's a very long story." I tried to explain.

"We have time."

"Well, I met these amazing people who helped the boys and I get out of the mall as our security wasn't available at the time."

"Are you still in contact with these people?"

"Ummm, I guess so. I do have a lot to make up to them all." My voice was shaking.






-Kate's POV-

Harry was doing great, he has managed to keep it together for quite a while now.

He is still being quizzed about us girls.

"There have been some photos posted of you and a girl, do you know her?" Ellen is glaring at him.

"Ahhh, yes. She was one of the people who helped us get out of the mall." His voice was shaking.

"Was she? Is she anything to do with the restaurant situation." She asked.

"I have no idea what you are talking about?" He is a bad liar.

"What are you doing Harry!" Rilee screamed at the TV, "he shouldn't be lying!"

"Must I explain in detail?" She asked.

"Ohh the kissing thing."

"Yes Harry, is anything happening between you two?" She was staring so deep that it was reaching his soul.

"I don't know yet."

"Are you dating?"

Harry took a deep gulp and a drop of sweat fell from his cheek.

"No, and I don't plan on dating her."

His words hit me hard in the chest.

Everyone around me gasped.

I felt a lump at the back of my throat. My tears would not come out.

"The kiss meant nothing to me, and when we go back home we will just continue on with our usual lives." He said.

It flooded my mind and my memory.

I couldn't put his words past my head.

My tears finally came out and slowly rolled down my cheeks.

I got up and ran out of the room slamming the door behind me.

I ran out of the hotel and down the street.

He didn't want me, so I didn't want him.


Sad 😭

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