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Gabriel's POV

I made my way back to the house with a huge grin on my face. My mom noticed and smiled at me.

"Honey, she's gorgeous and a Sweetheart. I'm happy for you" she said and my smile grew wider. She kissed my cheek and headed upstairs.

I sighed.

I couldn't wait until tomorrow


"GABRIEL! GAVIN! GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE!" My mother yelled from the kitchen. I groaned by got up none- the-less. You did not want to get Jennifer Green angry. Once you did, all hell would break loose.

I made my way downstairs and found Greyson and Garrett eating their breakfast while my dad was feeding Grant. Mom was at the stove cooking up some pancakes. I sat down and was immediately bombarded with questions.

"GABY! WHEN WILL EVA BE BACK?!" Garrett asked excitedly and Greyson nodded his little head. Even Grant started to giggle at Eva's name. I groaned. Great! Now I'll have to share my mate with the whole family.

"I don't know buddy, it's up to her" I said and he pouted. My mother laughed.

"Garrett, finish your food. It's almost time to go to school" she said and then turned to me. "Now you, eat because you need to leave soon" she said and I nodded my head. Gavin walked in and kissed my mom's cheek before grabbing the pancakes in her hand.

Soon it was time to leave and I felt nervous. Gavin noticed my uneasiness and laughed. I punched his arm hard and he growled. I smirked because now that I found my mate, I was a lot stronger than him. This was one of the perks of the curse. As soon as we find our bonder/mate, our wolf gets stronger because we have to protect them since they're human and vulnerable.

"BRO! I'm sorry for laughing, now STOP freaking hitting me! You're like the hulk now!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"You're so dramatic" I said and he shrugged. I pulled up to the high school and parked.

The bell rang, and I definitely couldn't wait till lunch.


Evangeline's POV

"Eva, honey. It's time for you to wake up now" my mother whispered and I groaned.

"Eva's not here right at the moment, please leave a message at the beep...Beep" I said and she laughed.

"Eva, get up and get ready for school. When your done, can you ask Dorothea if we could use her car?" She asked and I groaned again.

"Why can't you ask her? She hates me?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Stop being a Drama Queen Eva, she's family, she doesn't hate you"

"You sure about that? Because last time I checked, she has not said one nice word to us since we got here?" I said and raised in eyebrow. She tried to deny my theory but I sighed. "I'm sorry mom, I'll ask the crazy old bat" I said and she laughed before giving me a half-hearted glare.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed. Mom said that Dorothea was upstairs so I swallowed my nerves and ventured up to her lair. I was at the top of the stairs when I heard whispering.

I think I'm losing my mind?

The whispering increased when I edged toward the door that was slightly ajar. I peeked in and saw Dorothea pacing around while muttering things out loud.

"Don't you think I know that?" She hissed and I took a step back. Who the Hell was she talking too? "Yes, Devina, I do realize how much time we have left" she paused and I held my breath. She really was a crazy old bat. "I'm trying here!" She snapped. "How were we suppose to know that Delilah would betray us?" I shifted my feet and the floors creaked. Her whispering stopped so I built up my courage and knocked on her door hesitantly.

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