The End Part 1

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Hey Guys! Here is the Chapter you've been waiting for!

Enjoy the First Part of the final chapter!

P.S. Don't kill me at the end of this Chapter.


Eva's POV

I was pacing back and forth in my room.

Today was my 18th birthday.


Tonight was the Twilight Ball.

I was thinking of all the things that could go wrong when a soft knock interrupted my thoughts.

My mother poked her head in and smiled at me. I saw her eyes glisten with tears.

"Happy Birthday Honey" she said and enveloped me in a big hug. She squeezed me tightly before letting go and handing me a red gift bag.

"Thanks Mom" I said and a tear fell down her cheek.

"I'm glad that I had a daughter like you. I know that your father would be proud of you sweetheart. I certainly am" she said and the tears I tried so hard to fight back, streamed down my face.

This would be my first birthday without him and it made me sad to think that I'll never hear his corny jokes or feel his bear hugs again. I knew it was harder on my Mom because he was her husband. I loved my dad with all my heart but the love they shared was on a whole different level. The love they shared was indescribable. Something I could only hope for with Gabriel.

"Evangeline, there's something in the bag from your father. He wanted to give it to you on your 18th birthday and I wanted to honor his wish. I'll leave you alone for a couple minutes to look through it" she said and closed my door softly.

I picked up the bag and sat on my bed. I slowly pulled out a small box wrapped in red wrapping paper with a red bow on top, a letter, and a card. I opened up the card and smiled at my Mother's message. A couple of gift cards fell out and I tucked them in my dresser.

Then I took a deep breath and opened the letter.

My Sweet Evie,

Hey Babygirl, if you're reading this than you must be 18 and I couldn't be there to celebrate with you.

Do not cry for me my sweet, sweet girl. I want you to know that I miss you so much and words can't even describe my Love for you or your mother.

I can't believe that my baby is 18 already. It seems that just yesterday I was holding your tiny body in my arms or changing your dirty diapers. You're the best thing that has happened in my life, besides your mother of course ;).

You have grown into a exceptionally young woman before my eyes and I couldn't be prouder of you.

You know I'm not very good at writing mushy letters but I wanted you to have this as your 18th present.

I Love You Evie with all my heart and remember, I did the things I did for you.

-Love, Daddy

Tears were streaming down my face in rapid succession and I was full on sobbing. I heard my door open and then felt my bed dip. I cried into my mother's chest.

"I miss him so much Mommy"

"I know sweetie, I know. I miss him too" she rubbed my back up and down gently. After about an hour my crying subsided. She wiped away the rest of my stray tears and gave me a small smile. Her red and puffy eyes indicated that she was crying with me too.

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