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"Yura if a vampire approach you, you need to kill it. Remember the power you have is to honour your family, you should never be friend with one of this creature" grandma said and gave me a book.

"But grandma why I shouldn't be friend with them?" I asked confused.
"Oh, my dear those creatures are horrible, they drink you blood with no emotions and kill you. For you it's even more dangerous with your power.." she paused for a moment. "Just, don't let your guard down" she patted my head and left my room.

I looked at the book, I opened it and saw many tools to kill vampires, it scared me a lot so I closed the book and hugged my legs. "Yura" I heard a voice, I looked around me but there were nobody  "Yura!" I started to panic, "Yura! Wake up!"


Pov Yura

I jumped and looked around trying to catch my breath. I'm used to have those kind of dreams, this moment really happened when I was 8. My mother patted my back, "Hey, we're here" I looked outside the window and saw the university.

I smiled at her and give her a hug before getting out of the car. It's my first day in this university, I'm transferred because my parents decided to move out from my grandma's house after she died at 74 years old last year since her house was at the other end of the town.

I started to walk in the school, my first thought is looking around me to see if there any vampires. Some students were shocked that I dared to look right in there eyes for my first day but I didn't really care.

No dark auras so that mean there is no vampires. I then continued to walk in and went to the office to take my schedule. I entered the office while greeting everyone in the room, there was a boy getting scolded by a teacher, but the boy looked unbothored, he was dressed fully in black.

I asked my schedule and waited for it, I started to listen what the teacher was saying , "You better stop with your attitude or you will have huge consequences" the boy just scoffed and calmly got up, "And what will you do uh? You're nothing in here mister." he patted the teacher's shoulder and walked to the exit, the teacher was yelling after him.

He passed by me and we make an eyes contact, I frozed at the sign of the dark aura around him, shivers runned through my arms, I knew my eyes turned yellow. At the end of the eyes contact, I hold myself back and looked behind me, but the boy already left. I sigh in relief, everything went by so fast, I hope he didn't see my eyes or I'm in trouble.

"Hwang Yura?" I turned back to the lady and nodded, she gave me my schedule an other stuff. I exit the office and went to find my locker.

I couldn't find it so I walked back to the office but I bumped in someone, I didn't apologise and continued to walk but that someone grabbed my arm, my blood went cold and again my eyes turned yellow, I didn't dare to turn around.

"You're not gonna apologise?" I sighed "Sorry" I said without turning around, "Mmh, it doesn't work like that, you should look at me went you say sorry" I tried to calm myself to have my natural eyes back.

Thankfully it worked and I faced the person with a cold expression, it was a boy, kinda tall, pale skin of course, sharp eyes, brown hairs with exposed forehead, "Sorry, you're happy? now let go" he looked at me with a satisfied smile and let go of my arm.

I continued to walk but he interrupted me again, "Locker 401 is right in front of you" I looked at him, "On your left not on my face" I looked at my left and he was right, he scoffed and walked away, I do not like him at all.

Bloody Aura | Ji ChangminWhere stories live. Discover now