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Yura Pov

I was chilling in my room because it was finally the weekend and I had nothing to do. I looked outside the window and it was getting dark, I went to take a shower to change into pyjamas. When I got out the shower, I put a towel around me and went to my room. As I opened the door I saw Sunwoo on my bed, I nearly had a heart attack and immediately closed the door behind me and locked it in case my parents might come.

"What are you doing in my room and how did you came in?" I said, "First of all nice dress" I glared at him while holding my towel, "Secondly, I came to pick you up for the party and lastly I entered by the window" he pointed at my open window, I was sure this window was closed.

"I won't come to your shitty party" I said annoyed, "We knew it, so that why I'm here to take you if you want or not, I don't care you come" I tried to stay calm, "Ok fine I'll come but get the fuck out I need to change" I said chasing him and he laughed.

"Colours allowed are black and dark red" He said as he went to my closet  "You won't choose for me, move" I said and pushed him  "I already chose while you were busy in the bathroom" he smirked, he really dared to look around this bitch. He took a black dress and throwed it to me, "You have 15mins to prepare" he said before jumping out the window, I did as he said and changed into the dress did my hair and put my daily make-up, I did not forgot to put my necklace and my hair stick in my bun.

I closed this fucking window and went downstairs, "Mom, dad I'm going out to Wonyoung's" I yelled to them and went outside. Sunwoo was waiting in his car, yes he do have driver licence, he is a vampire remember, he probably have more than hundred years.

Arrived to the party, we entered the huge house and Drunk-Dazed was playing in a high volume, vampires have taste in music. I could see many vampires in the house but also some humans. "You better blend in with the crowd, if they know what you are they might try to kill you" Sunwoo said to me with a smirk, thanks god I had the idea to put my eyes lenses, it will hide my eye colour, he then dragged me to the other to greet them.

When we were in front of them, Sunwoo went to sit beside them and I noticed Wonyoung beside Younghoon, "Why are you here?!" I said and took her hand, "We invited her here, don't worry she won't die" Sangyeon said and took a sip of his drink which was red as blood.

"We're glad to see you there, sit with us" Kevin said but the couch was already full with the eleven of them and they noticed it, "Sit here" Juyeon said patting his lap, I showed a disgusted face "No thanks" I replied and his smirk disappeared. "We can give you our sit" Younghoon said taking Wonyoung's hand and got up, "NO! stay here I don't mind" I exclaimed while pushing them back on the couch not wanting to let Wonyoung go away from my eyes.

I hurried to sit on Jacob's lap, why him? I don't know, good vibe? Yeah yeah good vibes, Jacob was shocked at first but then smiled, beside us were Kevin and Sunwoo, I was turning my back to Sunwoo till I felt my hairs drop from my bun so I turned to him.

He had my hair stick in his hand, I tried to take it back but he stopped my arm and shook his head as a no, "I'm taking this for tonight" he whispered to my ear and went away in a second, what do I do now? How am I supposed to kill a vampire if something goes wrong? I groaned in frustration.

Then Jacob touched my necklace like he was examining it, I softly took his hand away to not look suspicious, "What is it for?" he asked, "Just a gift from my grandmother" I lied and he just nodded. "Do you mind if I ask you something?" Kevin said, "You're already asking me something" I said and rolled my eyes, "I like you Yura" Chanhee said while laughing, "Not me" I said back and he glared at me.

I turned back my attention to Kevin telling him to ask me before I change my mind, "What is your last name?" He asked, I was kind of confused but still answered it, "I thought you already knew but it's Hwang" they all turned to me when I said my last name with shocked face, it make me even more confused with their reactions, "What? Is there a problem?" I asked and they all looked away, I feel like they know something about my family.


3rd person Pov

After a while Yura noticed Wonyoung and Younghoon weren't here so she started to panic, she got up but Sunwoo pulled her back to sit, yes he came back but WITHOUT her hair stick, "I need to move" she coldly said, "Oh ok, go" he simply said with a smile, Yura didn't cared much about his smile and got up and started to search for Wonyoung.

"Looking for something or...someone?" Someone said in her ear behind her, she turned around by surprise and saw a vampire, kinda handsome not gonna lie, "Who are you?" Yura asked because he looked really familiar to her.

"You don't remember me? That hurt" He dramatically put his hand on his chest, "You don't wanna say it then that fine, I have better thing to do than talk to you" Yura said and started to walk, he was following her and said "I know where your friend is" she turned to him, "Tell me where right now" she said coldly.

"That not the Yura I knew, the Yura I knew was really kind hearted and she was like my little sister last year before she moved school" he said with a smirk as her eyes widened, "Park Sunghoon?!" Yura exclaimed in shock, he laughed and nodded. Sunghoon was her best friend before she moved out, they were really close to eachother, and she had a little kinda tiny crush on him, he know that she is a vampire killer cause she said everything to him, she was shocked that he turned into a vampire after she left.



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Vampire age: 19
Human age: 18
Best friend with Yura since middle school, they lost contact when Yura had to move out.


"Why? How? When? By who?" Yura asked and he chuckled, "I'll explain that to you later, don't you want to know where is your friend?" he asked, "Oh, yes please?" he pointed upstairs, "I saw them going inside the first room". Yura thanked him and rushed upstairs, the first thing she saw wasn't Wonyoung but Changmin making out with random girl in the corridor, the first question that came to her mind is, what is he doing in a vampire party?

Her question was quickly answered because she saw Changmin moving out from the girl's neck, revealing two bleeding holes and blood on his lips, Yura frozed at the scene that happened in front of her eyes, she hoped this was a nightmare and she would woke up later but she knew it wasn't one.

She watched every Changmin's movements, he wiped his lips with his hand and walked away from the girl, he crossed Yura's eyes and stopped walking, seeing the girl turning pale as she wasn't able to move, he knew that she just witnessed what he did and she was scared of him, he somehow felt bad for her.

Changmin was about to walk toward her but Yura composed herself as she saw him coming and runned in the first room, Wonyoung and Younghoon who were having a discussion together, were now staring at the girl who just slammed the door behind her looking scared.

Yura hurried to Wonyoung and took her hand, "Sorry Younghoon but we have to leave" Yura said leaving the room with a confused Wonyoung, "What is going on?" Wonyoung asked as Yura was checking around if Changmin was still here, "I'll explain later" she replied and walked downstairs.

"Yura, Wait!" Someone called her from behind, she recognised his voice, she didn't want to talk with him so she pretended to not hear and left the house in hurry, Changmin watched her running with her friend from upstairs, she is not a vampire killer then, a smirk appeared on his lips at the thought.

I'm bad at describing things *sigh*

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