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3rd person pov

For the whole week Yura did her best to avoid Changmin but couldn't escape the rest of The boyz, they were always searching for her everyday just to annoy her so she litteraly gave up. The boyz haven't told their friend about Yura because they though he would get angry to see a vampire killer from the Hwang familly after all those years. Changmin saw his friends with her but didn't bother to question about her, he think they probably decided to annoy a human like they're used to do every year.

Until one day Yura was searching after Chanhee who took her phone and ran away with it because he lost a stupid bet, Yura chased him but lost him after a minute, she walked around the corridors trying to find that damn boy but she dumped into someone while turning the corner, the girl growled in frustration and became silent after she recognized the person in front of her, she didn't want to stay around him so she bowed to apologize and walked past him. Changmin didn't want to be avoided by her anymore plus he felt a bit guilty since the party so he grab her arm and took her into a classroom locking the door.

"What the hell, that's called kidnapping" Yura exclaimed, "I know, I've done that plenty of times" he said unbothered, she looked at him in disbelief "It doesn't even shock me anymore", she said walking to the door, the boy stopped her "Can you at least listen to me ?", she stayed silent wanting to know what he was about to say.

"Well I'm sorry for what you witnessed back at the party, I didn't want to scare you" Changmin stopped to look at her "As you know now, I'm a vampire" he said as Yura didn't even reacted at his word which bring confusion to the boy, isn't she scared at all? he through but he continued "But I can erase your memories so you won't be scared of it anymore" he offer and the girl suddenly laughed at his sentence.

"First of all I wasn't scared of you that day, secondly none of your powers will work on me so don't bother trying" Yura said and Changmin was lost at her words while Yura was a bit scared of him because she couldn't see his aura not even a bit but hided her fear in front of Changmin.

"Why aren't you scared tho?" he questioned, she just smilled and pointed at her hair stick in her hair, he laughed, "And what will you do with that huh?" he asked confidently, the girl rolled her eyes, "I kill vampires sir what do you expect me to do?" she answer annoyed, his smile faded.

He stayed silent for a minute thinking if it was true but then remembered the previous vampire killers' power, "I don't belive you." he said seriously, "Why?" she asked, "Vampire killers have their eyes changing color when they see a vampire, yours do not change" he looked at her in the eyes with a serious tone which made the girl uncomfortable.

"I have lenses to hide them" she spat even though she didn't put them on today, "Don't joke around about this please" Changmin said angrily, Yura scoffed that made the boy walking closer to her trying to use his power on her to make her spit the truth but it was no use and Changmin growled in anger "Belive it or not I don't care" she scoffed and stormed outside the room hearing the boy yell inside.

Chanhee finally appeared, his expression after hearing Changmin yelling in the classroom became worried, "What happened with him?" he asked "Ask this to him" Yura said, then the rest of the boyz came running "What happening with Changmin? We heard him yell from across the university" Kevin said, "Vampires and their good hearing" Yura mumbled and took her phone from Chanhee's hands then walked away.

The boyz stayed to check on their friend but Changmin stormed out of the classroom with anger, he noticed his friends looking at him and started yelling at them. "Did you guys knew about this?" all his friends were confused at first but when Changmin mentionned Yura they all knew what he meant and stayed silent nodding at him.

"Is she part of the Hwang familly?" he questioned trying to calm himself down but when there was no answers from his friends his eyes turned red and took Eric by his collar asking the same question again, when Eric said a quite 'yes' Changmin let him go, the boy went crazy after thinking this familly didn't ended yet, his neck veins were about to explode due to the sudden rage, losing control he teleported somewhere without warning.

The rest of the boyz became worried and scared he might do something to Yura so they rushed to find her while sending messages to Changmin 'don't hurt her', 'she know nothing' they tried their best to stop Changmin if he'd have the idea of killing her. When they saw her from afar with Wonyoung they relaxed a bit.

"We should keep an eye on Changmin and Yura, we never know what could happen so let's split up" Sangyeon said and they all nodded, Eric, Chanhee, Younghoon, Kevin and Sunwoo went to Yura and stayed with her for the rest of the day, even if Yura wasn't in the mood after Changmin yelled at her, she was hurt but didn't understand his reaction. The other group which is Sangyeon, Jacob, Hyunjae, Juyeon and Haknyeon went to find Changmin.

Once the group found Changmin they were scared of the boy, who was silent on the ground, his clothes soaked with blood from the five dead bodies around him at a place where they all know too well, he didn't dare to look back at his friends, they all know if his old self is back it would not be good for him, for his friends and for Yura...


This one is short but
I finally found inspiration back omg

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