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3rd person Pov

Changmin was walking around the town with his head filled with memories, he hated what the world was doing to him, why one of the Hwang's had to be like this too. The weather has changed really quick, rain started to pour on the boy making him stop his steps and look at the ground watching the raindrops crashing on the floor which made him remember that one night where he met his loved one for the last time.

After a argument between the couple, Changmin gave up and let his girlfriend to live her human life until the end because it was her final choice, "Don't worry, the day I die I'll make sure to find you again in my next life" the girl said to her boyfriend with a smile, he didn't want to hear this from her, it broke him to know she will eventually leave him one day,

"Why are you saying this right now, we still have plenty of time to enjoy together, you ain't leaving me this soon" he said with a pouty voice, hugging his girl whom gave a slight giggle against his chest. The rain poured on them that day and they didn't even bother to go inside because they didn't want to move from each other arms.

That night was so different from the presents one for him, Changmin felt like he lost everything after that night, he stayed under the rain this memory making him break into tears in the middle of the empty street, only if he did truned her into a vampire back then she would still be with him today, he was always guilty for leaving her when she was in danger.

Why can't he fully move on from her even if his friends did a lot to help him, he's still broke inside. It became harder to move on since Yura came into his life now, everything she do remind him of her, he hated this so much that it made him scream his heart out of anger and sadness.


After he recovered from his emotions, Changmin came home soaked, luckily everyone were in their own respective room at this hour, he directly passed by the kitchen and went upstairs to his room. He did not noticed Chanhee who was drinking in the dark kitchen whom saw him coming back this late in this weather.

He knew Changmin went to take Yura to her house because he heard them arguing earlier. What made him worried about his friend was his so empty expression in his eyes so he decided to check on him. Changmin always helped and cared so much about him when he joined the group so he felt like he needed to help him in return likes friends do. He entered the room seeing Changmin drying his hairs with a towel until the boy noticed his presence.

"Why are you still up?" Changmin said not even looking at Chanhee, "Are you ok? Did anything happened?" he said sitting on the bed. Changmin just looked at him and sighed, he knew Chanhee always wanted to be a good listener and be helpful for him so he gave up and lied down beside his friend looking at the ceilling.

"Yura remind me a lot of Miyeon" he started, Chanhee looked at him with a confused look, "Remember Miyeon having that specific thing of not seeing my aura?" He asked looking at Chanhee who just nodded, "Well Yura has the same" he said his voice was blank but Chanhee could hear a crack in it.

He was schocked at this and silence took place until Changmin groaned putting his hands on his own face which Chanhee moved it away saying, "I know it's frustrating for you but right now you should change because you're making your bed turn into a swimming pool, and also take some rest, we'll talk about it later" Chanhee said getting up and leave the room, he heard his friend sighing again and did what he just told him.


Next Day

Changmin didn't really took some rest, he probably did shed some tears during the night again. In the morning the boy could hear the others starting to move around the house meaning it's already the morning, he debated to go to the university today or not the whole night which he choose to go at the end, what could go wrong anyways and the boy probably decided to ignore Yura and move on for good. After he changed he went dowstairs where the other were already all around the kitchen counter, some were drinking blood bags and the others waited them while talking to each other.

Changmin was hungry but he didn't wanted to use his energy in his power to drink on humans so he reached the fridge where blood bags were stocked, he grabbed one, closing the door he turned around noticing all his friends staring at him like he did something wrong. Everyone knows Changmin never drink bag blood because he always say it taste awful so they were all surprised he took one today.

"You're acting weird" Hyunjae broke the silence, the boy just sighed at his friends, he got upset cause he can't hide anything from them because they always see and sense if something is wrong with him, "You know what, you broke my appetit" he said throwing the bag to him while sitting down with the others, he knew everyone was still looking at him and probably talking about him to each other in telepathy, he didn't care much and scrolled on his phone.

"Are you alright ?" Haknyeon asked, "Yeah everything is alright" he anwser not looking away from his phone, "It's because Yura doesn't see your aura that right?" Sangyeon suddently said and Changmin slamed his phone on the counter giving a glare at Chanhee who send a apologic smile, Chanhee couldn't keep it for himself he thought everyone here should know since they're all close and are here to help as much as they can.

"Don't worry about it too much, we know she's from that family but it's obvious she doesn't know what happen back then so there is no reason to hate on her, it's not her fault, just try to be friend with her" Sangyeon adviced him while getting up with the rest following him ready to head to the university. Changmin sighed messing up his hairs, what Sangyeon told him made him rethink of his decision, maybe his oldest friend was right, maybe he should give her a chance and be friend with her.

Something in him made him get up and rush to his room opening his drawer and hesitantly took the necklace thinking of giving it back if he get the courage to face her. He put the necklace in his jacket before joining back the others.

The group arrived quickly at the university, the ones who haven't drink yet went away to get fresh blood on humans so Kevin, Jacob, Chanhee and Changmin were the ones remaining, they walked around while waiting for classes.

Why are they even going to classes when they are vampires, they could go live away and stop school but they didn't want to because they love this town, it's like their territory and they prefer having fresh blood from young people than old ones, they all say it taste like burned plastic.

Changmin spotted where Yura was with her friend Wonyoung, he stared at her for a moment until Yura noticed his presence and made an eyes contact with him, she looked at him from head to toes with a blank face, she hated him because he was rude to her without reasons, she wants to avoid him but she can't help to know why he is acting like this toward her and not to the others.

Changmin did not stopped staring at her, he was thinking if he should go give her necklace right now or not but the way she looked at him hurted him inside so he looked away and walked past her, remaining his blank expression.


Lunch time

Everyone were at the cafeteria except for all the vampire staying in this university. During this times, some vampires go out and some just chill around the campus, so it's pretty calm. Changmin was walking around the corridors to join his group outside but he slowed his steps when he heard voices from the classroom with the door open.

He fully stopped before the door when he reconised the voices, seeing Yura and Wonyoung chatting and eating in the classroom, he couldn't see Yura's face really well because she was facing Wonyoung. He couldn't take off his eyes from her side profile, admiring all her features, the same feeling he got when they met for the first time.

He remember her bumping into him and he got a bit shy when she stared at him for so long but he didn't showed it and now he was in daze at how beautiful she look, he was shy again, he didn't want to go to her by fear of breaking her smile by his presence so he just stayed silent by the door. He then noticed Wonyoung glancing at him, Changmin vanished before Yura could turn around to look where her friend was looking at.

Yura looked at the door but she didn't see anything so she turned back to Wonyoung, "Was there something?" she asked, Wonyoung was in her thoughts, did she just saw Changmin stare at her friend for a whole minute or did she just hallucinated? She heard Yura calling her name and she shook her head at her and smiled "No, I was just zoning out, sorry" she said and started again the conversation they had.

Sorry I didn't update for a whole month, so many things happened but I am back in writing now !
Hope you liked this chapter tho

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