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3rd Person Pov

The sun was setting down, some of The Boyz already left back home, except for Younghoon, Chanhee and Changmin who stayed a bit longer. While Wonyoung finally got out of her last class, she made her way to join Yura to leave together. Arriving to the floor where Yura stayed, the girl noticed some dark droplets on the ground, she felt uneasy seeing those droplets leading toward the room she's supposed to go, she instinctively runned to that classroom.

Heartbeat increasing, opening the door, she panicked at the sight of her friend on the floor with blood on her face, Wonyoung checked if she was still breathing, thankfully she was, shaking her trying to wake up her with no use, she decided to go find help to carry her to the infirmary.

She runned downstairs looking at every corridors but most of the students left the building already. So she decided to get out the building to find anyone outside, running down the last stairs, almost falling, rushing to the door, she made a stop when she hear someone yell her name, looking at the corridor she saw three of The Boyz. The one who called her were Younghoon, the three boys saw how panicked she was, getting worried at her state when she looked at them on ther verge of crying.

"What's going on?" Younghoon asked, walking to her in hurry with the others, "It's Yura, she need help" she said out of breath, they got alarmed, "Where is she?" he questionned again, "In classroom 211, 7th floor" she replied ready to run back to Yura but got stopped by Chanhee "We'll go, Younghoon stay with her" he simply said before following Changmin who didn't wait a second after he heard her location.

Changmin arrived after a minute, seeing her face and hands covered in blood, he crouched beside her, checking her pulse, a sigh of relief leaving his lips after feeling her pulse. "Is that her blood?" asked Chanhee who joined him some seconds ago, "Some yes but the rest is darker like ours" he said, gently lifting her up, carrying her to the infirmary.

Chanhee looked around the room finding her things, taking it with him but before leaving he noticed her small dager, that she usually use as her hair stick, on the floor. Picking it up he noticed the dark blood on it, knowing she fought with a vampire. He then joined the others at the infirmary seeing Changmin trying to kick the door but failed since he doesn't want to hurt Yura more.

"Why are you kicking the door, isn't it open?" Younghoon questionned, "No it's already closed and she need aid" he said frustrated, "Let me do it" Chanhee said making Changmin move back, "Sorry Sangyeons' parents for the charge" he mumbled before kicking the door open. Changmin hurried inside putting Yura on a bed, Chanhee examined her, noticing something, "She's been loosing a bit of blood from her head due to some impact" he stated, with that Changmin went throught the shelves to find bandages and disinfectant to which he threw to his friend who directly took care of the girl.

"When will she wake up?" Wonyoung asked worried, "Don't know, she got hit pretty hard so probably an hour, do you know what happened?" Chanhee asked, "No she was waiting for me there and I found her like this when I joined her" she answered, "It's fine, she didn't loose that much, she just need to rest a while" Chanhee said. Younghoon pulled Wonyoung's sleeve a little to get her attention "You should go home, I'll walk you" he said, the girl nodded knowing her parents are going to worry and she knew the other are gonna take care of her friend.

When the two left the room, Chanhee showed Yura's small dager to Changmin "She fought with a vampire, she did hurt them but got slammed on one of the table where I found some of her blood and then got pushed against the wall where we found her, that all I know" he stated, Changmin took the dager and looked at it with anger and guilt, if he gave her back the necklace then maybe it would've helped her.

"I'll let you with her, I have to get my night blood" Chanhee said starting to feel hungry, seeing his friend nod without protest, he smiled slightly, knowing the boy do care for her even if he say he hates her, "I trust you to take care of her and maybe make her tell who attacked her" he said before leaving the two alone.

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