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Pov Eric

I was on the couch, looking at my phone, then I heard someone chuckling, I looked up and saw Sunwoo in front of me, "What do you want?" I asked with a blank face, he sat beside me and took my phone away, I was about to take it back but he didn't let me.

"What are you thinking of?" he asked, he looked at my phone screen and a smirk appeared on his face, "I saw this girl at the office this morning, is she your next dinner?"(a/n: eww wtf am I writing ??) he teased but I just groaned and snap my phone from his hands.

"No, she is not a normal human" I answered, he looked at me confused and I sighed, "I mean, she stopped me from hypnotising her friend and her eyes changed color, she knew I was a vampire plus my power doesn't work on her" I explained.

"This is interesting" he simply said, the door opened, Haknyeon and Younghoon entered the house with two girls, Younghoon noticed us and came toward us.

"Hey there, we brought the dinner for four, are you hungry?" he asked but I just shook my head because I wasn't hungry, "No, I'm good I drank twenty minutes ago" Sunwoo answered, "Ok then we will share it with Changmin and Juyeon" Younghoon said and went back to Haknyeon who was occupied with the girls.

Juyeon came down the stairs in a rush, he immediately bit one of the girl, Changmin came in front of them, he examined slowly the two girls before digging his fangs in the neck of one of the two, he is very subjective when it's about blood taste.

Me and Sunwoo just went upstairs joining Chanhee who was drinking a bag of blood on his bed while watching a drama on his laptop.

I jumped beside him and he yelled, "What?" he said with a annoyed tone, "Eric found a not so human girl" Sunwoo said, I glared at him and Chanhee was confused, "It's just that she is not normal" I said but he didn't seem to understand so I explained it and he gasped.

"Do you think she is a vampire killer?" He asked and we stayed silent, "Maybe, the previous killer had different eyes colours too" I said, we have already met vampire killers in our existence so we know this but this girl looked different. If she knew that I was I vampire, why she didn't killed me?


Pov Yura

"Let's go to the mall after school!" Wonyoung exclaimed, "Sure" I smiled at her, we heard the ring and we headed toward our first class of the day.

During the class I didn't payed attention, I was drawing the vampire's face to remember them, "Why are you drawing Eric, Juyeon and Sunwoo?" Wonyoung suddenly said, I looked at her with thankful eyes because she just said their names, now I know them.

"For nothing I just met them and find them good to draw" I lied and she believed it, "Do you know them personally?" I asked because I want to know more about them, "Not personally but they're the popular boys and 'oldest' here" she said, "What do you mean by 'oldest' ?"

"I don't know if it's just a rumor but they've been in this university for 20 years or more, but we usually stay 9 years here so we don't really know if it's true" she simply answered.

I was confused, how do they not know if they've been here for this long, I mean yes they are vampire but peoples should've remember it.... Then it came to my mind, no way they did that, they did not erase every suddents memories after graduation? If it's really that, they have big brains.

"Hey, Yura!" Wonyoung called me, I came back in reality and looked at her, "It's already lunch time, let's go" she grabbed my arm and we walked outside the classroom.

Time skip

I was waiting for Wonyoung in front of the gate because she had to go to the toilets. While waiting, someone harshly pinned me on the wall beside the gate, I looked up at the person and it was Eric and behind him was Sunwoo.

"Hello, vampire killer" He said with a small smirk, I just scoffed at him, "We know you are one with your eyes color, we are not dumb" Sunwoo said, I just cursed into my mind.

"Come on, talk with us, we don't bite" Eric joked, "Why would I talk with vampires?" I said blankly, Sunwoo sighed and stepped closer, he started to play with my hairs, "It's really surprising, you have the chance to kill us but you don't, why? Are you not skilled?" I just laughed and snapped his hand from my hairs.

"If I want to kill you right now I can with no problem, but I don't want to" I replied with a serious tone. "Why?" Eric asked curious, "Listen up, I don't kill vampires who don't hurt or kill a human, I do let vampires drink on humans but if you kill them then I kill you, that's simple"

Another boy came toward us, he has blond hairs, pale skin, looking like a female and has red lips, of course he is a vampire too. He directly looked at me with a surprised look.

"Looking like she is one" He said to his friends, "Looking like you are one" I mocked and he just rolled his eyes, "Anyways, guys Sangyeon are calling us" He said to the other, Eric and Sunwoo nodded but they looked at me before leaving, "We're not done with you" Eric said and left in a split of seconds.

Wonyoung finally came and we both headed to the mall, "Hey, do you know if Sunwoo, Eric and Juyeon have other friends" I asked curious, "Yes they do, they are 11 in total" she replied, my eyes widened, ELEVEN??
They might be all vampires too.

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