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Yura Pov

The whole day I had my mind occupied with that same sentence I heard last night 'It would change a lot of things' What did he mean? I was trying to get any idea of what it could change, I hoped he just overreacted and it's nothing serious, "Are you even listening to me?" I snapped back in reality looking at Wonyoung, "Oh I'm sorry I was just thinking of something, please continue" I said, she sighed "What's the point to continue when you are so far away in your head ?"

"I know and I am sorry, I promise I will listen now" She just shook her head in disappointment "Tell me what were you thinking so hard of instead" she asked but I refused to tell her so I switched topic, "Have you seen my necklace I usually wear? I think I've lost it" I questioned and she gave me a side eye that screamed 'Are you serious for ignoring my question girl?' but still answered "No but I know you had it yesterday when I last saw you "

I sighed for the ninth time of the day, I really need it back, I don't really feel safe without it as I remember the moment I was paralysed it made me weak, I hated it, if only I had my necklace I would go find her and beat her up right now but that wasn't the case, the whole day I avoided every of the boyz because I'm scared they might try their powers on me if they notice my necklace gone, even if they are kind with me.

"Don't worry you will find it back, maybe ask one of the guys they probably found it" Wonyoung said eating her meal, maybe Changmin has it, would I have the guts to go ask him? Never, this guy scare me but also haunt my mind. "Anyways as I was saying Younghoon told me Juyeon and Yeji, you know the girl from our class, had a story together" my friend suddently said, "Really?" I was a bit shocked about this information

"Yes, he didn't went into details but he said Yeji was Juyeon's crush for a long time, until Yeji found about his crush on her, they got together, he was literally obsessed with her but broke up after months, that's all I know" she finished, "I wonder what made them break up " I casually said "Me too I wanna know the whole story, like did he turned her into a vampire or if she were already one a that time" She exclaimed, she do love the tea.

We continued our discussion, until I felt like someone were watching us, I saw Wonyoung was looking toward the door as if she saw something but I was more focused on a paper that fell alone in the classroom just 5 feets away behind Wonyoung, that paper was perfectly put on the table so how could it fall alone like this? I started to get a strange feeling like someone is here inside with us.

But I played as if I saw nothing, if there is really someone then I should be careful to not let them know I noticed them, I keep this information in a corner of my head and looked back at Wonyoung who was still staring at the door, so I looked at it too but there was nothing, "Was there something?" I asked, she shook her head and smiled "No, I was just zoning out, sorry" she said and we kept up with our conversation.

Suddently Sunwoo came into our classroom, why is it him out of everyone? I looked back at my meal not wanting to make any eyes contact today, "I was searching for you" he said coming toward us, "Why?" I only said still not looking at him. "Actually I don't remember since I took time to find you", I rolled my eyes but he still saw it "Look like the vampire killer is in a bad mood today" he teased and I just munched my salads silently.

Which made him take a sit with us, "Well do invite yourself like at home no worries" Wonyoung said with sarcasm "Thank you" he spat back, I saw he was trying to make eye contact with me so I turned around toward the window with my plate and munched harshly my food to which he laughed, "Are you suddently scared of me ?" He asked with, I am sure, a huge smirk on his face I can feel it.

"No why would I be scared ?" I said like I was talking to the window, "The way you are avoiding my eyes, but you don't have to worry, I know you don't have your necklace today, just know I would never do something to you with or without your necklace " he said and I suddenly looked at him, is he serious ? Since when is he this nice?

"AHA GOT YOU !" He said happily, so did he mean what he said or not? "I just wanted you to look at me, how can you not look a my beautiful eyes ?" He said and I kicked his arm that got him whining, this guy I swear. "Happy? You can go since you got what you wanted" I said annoyed, "I will but how come you don't have your necklace?" He questioned

"Well ask to the necklace where it went because I can't find it, please if you encounter my precious necklace tell it to come back to me" I said sarcastically, "Ok keeping this in mind, anyways I'll go" He said getting up to leave but stopped before the door "Oh and I meant what I said earlier" he then left. I also felt that the person who were watching us did left since Sunwoo came here, strange.

TW /// Mention of blood

3rd person Pov

After a few hours of class, Yura stayed in a empty classroom to study while waiting for Wonyoung to finish her last class. She could go back home but she don't feel safe alone at night anymore. With music on, Yura scribbled a lot sometimes peeking out the window seeing The Boyz hanging out in the courtyard like they always do when they finished the day, she thought to join them but Changmin is with them so that idea went away really quick.

A loud noise made her jump on her seat, her eyes direclty went toward the source of that noise, noticing the door closed. Did someone slammed the door just to scare her ? No. She strarted to felt tense, sensing a presence like earlier, someone is in the room with her. She took off her headphone putting them on her table, scaning the room, heartbeat getting faster, trying to stay calm and breath slowly.

She got up from her seat cautiously, taking her hairstick from the table. It's behind her, she can feel it so she turned around quickly and she was right, there stand San with a devilish smile. She glurped, holding her hairstick tightly behind her back ready to defend herself, "You know it's not safe for you to stay alone" he said approaching her slowly, Yura stayed silent not saying a thing.

"Mostly when some people wants to kill you", his smile was the devil itself. When he was close enough, he took a strand of her hairs and played with it, she moved her head backward to free her hair not wanting him to touch her. He laugh, this laugh scared her even more, he leaned to her ear and whisper "And I am part of those people dear"

With that he harshly grabbed her throat, Yura fight back by immediately slicing his throat with her hairstick freeing her from him and runned toward the door but he manage to catch her before by her hairs pulling her roughly on the ground. She whinced in pain trying to get up but failed when San locked her wrists on the ground with his hands, his dark blood dropping on her face disgusted her. A hard kick landed on his abdomen made him fall too.

She rolled to the side getting up again successfully for a short time before San got an hold of the back of her head and slammed her face on a table, loosing her balance afer the impact, she grabbed onto the table strongly, her face was about to hit the table a second time which didn't happen when she turned around and threw the table at him with full strength, she fell in the process but got up even if she felt dizzy and runned back to the door while wiping her bloody nose. Unfortunately San didn't gave up and was back infront of her in no time he pushed her on the wall, hiting her head roughly, the impact was too much this time, she fell down again, loosing consciousness.

Feeling satisfied for now San was out of strength he had to leave quickly before anyone finds him, leaving Yura on the floor.

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