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Pov Changmin

I was examining Yura's necklace in my hands, I picked it up earlier in the street before taking her here. Remembering what she said about that necklace, it protect her from vampire's powers and charms but it's also something coming from her grandma, just thinking about it make me want to destroy it, a part of me wanted to give it back to her so she would be safe but another part of me want to let that hell of a family die for good. I keep looking at it with disgust and anger, I groaned, again my mind is a mess.

I suddently heard the doorknob moving, I get up and put her necklace into my drawer, then Chanhee entered my room, he usually come for night talk, he immediatly notice Yura unconscious, he dramatly gasped, I know he was about to talk too loud so I put my hand to shush him, "I swear if you speak too loud or tell anyone about this, I'll send you to my parents" I grinned through my teeths.

He took off my hand, "I won't, don't worry" he said scared of the mention of my parents, it's always a good blackmails since they all met my parents, they are really strict about everything and they are kinda stuck in the time, my family are the strongest vampires in the country so that's why my friends don't want to see them again.

"What is Yura doing here tho, did you kidnap her, to kill her too? If it's really this I'll tell Sang-" I throwed bandaids to his face making him stop saying nonsense, "No I did not, she got into a fight with Chungha on her way home idiot" I whisper yelled to him.

"I'm serious this girl has been a trouble since you dated her and now she has been trying to kill any vampire killer after you broke up with her, why can't you stop her for good?" He whisper yelled back at me, "And how can I stop her? kill her? I can't, remember my parents likes her" I said annoyed, he muttered a quick 'right'.

"Is Yura fine tho?" he asked, "Maybe, I mean we could say she's sleeping" I said unsure, that dude looks at me disappointed, I made a look saying 'What?', he just sighed and went to check on Yura and said she look fine to him, "Anyways, what are you gonna do when she'll wake up?"

"You're asking too much questions, just go take your beauty sleep and let me handle the situation" I said pushing him outside, he scoffed and went to his room, I closed the door, I was about to sit down again but I heard a movement, I looked to Yura and saw she was starting to wake up.


Pov Yura

I open my eyes slowly starting to see my surroundings, the place was really dark, I tried to move but I feel my arm hurt a bit, I looked around me and found a lamp beside the bed so I sat up and turned on the lamp, the first thing I see was bandages on my arm making me remember what happened, I glanced at the unfamiliar bed and place.

Until I heard something sounding like a sigh, I truned around, I thought my soul was about to leave my body when I saw Changmin beside the door, I was about to scream but I got shushed really quick by his hands on the back of my head and on my lips.

His eyes looking down right into mines, telling me it would be a bad idea if I be too loud, after he made sure I understood he slowly took off his hand from my lips but the other hand stayed still keeping me close to his face. I couldn't help but to stare at him at how close he was right now.


3rd person Pov

The both of them stared at each other for a minute, they could feel each other breath on their skins, they both hated the weird attraction they had for each other but couldn't control it. Yura looked away to the window seeing at how dark it was outside, she pushed him aside getting up panicked remembering her parents waiting for her.

Changmin composed his posture after she pushed him, he don't know why but he was disapointed "Why I'm here and what time is it?" She whispered "I took you here because you fainted and I don't know where you live" He blankly said showing her the time on his phone, it was three in the morning.

But at the same time Yura noticed Changmin's lockscreen, she could see a picture of an old polaroid of him and a girl, she never seen that girl before she though it was probably his girlfriend, it hurted her in a way but didn't say any more and walked to the door ready to leave but the boy stopped her by asking what she was doing.

"I'm going home my parents are waiting for me" She simply said opening the door, "I'll take you home" Changmin said coming beside her, "I can go myself" Yura disagreed, "Say the one who was about to die in a street few hours ago, anyways I'm still coming with you" he replied faking a smile.

"I prefer having anyone else taking me home than you" she spat annoyed by his behaviour, Changmin just rolled his eyes taking her wirst leading her outside the house in a second, Yura felt dizzy at the sudden speed "Never do this again" she said taking off her wirst from his hand and started to walk.

Changmin followed her silently from behind, Yura felt unsafe with him walking behind her, "I hate being followed, can you at least walk beside me if you really want to walk me home so much" she said to him not even looking behind, the boy did as she said, "It's not like I haven't followed you before" he muttered joining her side, thankfully it was too low for the girl to hear.

It became silent again until Changmin found the courage to ask her the question where he really needed answers, "You don't see my aura right?" He asked making the girl slow her steps, "What do you mean? I see every vampires aura, why wouldn't I see yours?" She said with a slight laugh hoping her lie was working.

"Then why your eyes doesn't changes colour when you look at me?" He said expecting her to stop lying, "I already told you I have lenses-", "Quit lying, when you looked at the others' eyes earlier they turned yellow, same when you looked at Chungha but they don't when you look at me."

He cut her making the girl mentally curse at herself for not putting lenses today, she didn't know how to hide this anymore so she just started to walk faster saying anything coming in her mind, "You're probably tired and saw wrong" she said walking away from the boy when she saw her house.

Changmin got annoyed by her lies, he teleported behind her and turned her around pinning her on her house's door before she could open it. He glared at her "You should know that vampire don't really get tired and you should also know vampire don't have patience so stop lying to me" he said in a deep tone, his red eyes glaring at hers making Yura feel little.

'He did noticed it, how can I hide it now, what if it's something dangerous, there is no way I'll tell him the truth now' She said in her mind but little did she knew Changmin did read her mind due to her necklace that was no longer around her neck.

He knew it, it's happening again, he couldn't belive it, more anger filled his body but sadness showed in his softened eyes for a moment before anger took place again. Yura did saw his suddent change of emotions in his eyes but she tried to compose herself back.

"And what would it change if it was true?" she said pushing him away from her, Changmin's hands turned into fists, he bite his lips in frustration and groaned, "It would change everything for me" he yelled before looking back at her, he really looked lost in his emotions, Yura was so confused about his state right now but before she could say anything Changmin disapeard away leaving her in the silence.

She did eventually came into her house with mixed feelings, she noticed her parents sleeping in the living room, she think they probably fell asleep while waiting for her to come back. She didn't wake them up, she made her way to her room, letting herself fall on her bed staring at the ceiling, her head replaying Changmin's actions.

Why did he act like this when she didn't even say the truth, she reached to touch her necklace on her neck but she didn't felt anything, so she looked at her neck noticing it wasn't here anymore, she panicked, Where did I lost it? Since when?? Wait so thats mean he read in my mind? Is it why he went mad? All the question flooded her brain.

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