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Pov Yura

I was on my bed with Wonyoung in front of me with crossed arms looking angry at me, "I'm waiting for your explanation" she said and I bite my lip in frustration, "I got... my period, yeah that it" I lied but she didn't seem to belive it, "Really?" She eyed me closer and I throwed a pillow at her to stop, "I know you're lying" she sat back and I slapped her again with the pillow.

"Ok ok stop, if you're saying the truth why did you looked scared?" She asked, "Ehh, it was smelling bad?" I make I weird face at my sentence, she laughed, "So you were scared because vampires could smell your blood?" She asked and my eyes widened.

"What? How do you know?" She laughed again, "Younghoon told me about them when we were talking before you came in" she simply said, "And your not scared or anything?", she shook her head, she's unbelievable sometimes. "By the way I'm upset, why you didn't told me this before" she pouted, "Aish you're a human we're not supposed to tell humans" I said and she gasped, "Wait you are one too?" I slapped her with the pillow, "No, I'm not" I said with a disgusted face.

"So how do you know?" She questioned me and I sighed and decided to tell her, "I am their killer" she looked at me confused, "I kill vampires and I can recognise them with their auras", she let out a simple 'oh'. "Tell me more" she excitedly said, hugging a pillow ready to listen to me so I told her about my necklace, my grandmother and my eyes colours, I then remembered about Changmin, how could I not see his aura and why only him?

"Wow, you're amazing" She said after I finished explaining, I put myself in a better position and looked at her with a smile, "Now tell me about you and Younghoon" I said and she pretended to not understand what I meant. "There is something between you two?" I asked and she blushed, "No, he is just a friend" she said while blushing like a volcano, I laughed and she throwed me the pillow, then my phone buzzed, I looked at the notifications.

-Sunghoon: Shall we meet Monday after school?

-Changmin: We should talk.
-Changmin: I'll explain I promise
-Changmin: please answer me

I accepted Sunghoon meeting but didn't answered Changmin's text and just turned off my phone, I looked back at Wonyoung, "Just be careful with his friends, I only trust Younghoon because he look soft and kind not like flirty thirsty bitch Sunwoo" I said and she nodded.

"I'm the one who should say that to you" She said back and I groaned, "They forced me to be friend with them" I said with a pout and she laughed and hugged me and we fall on the bed. "Let's just sleep" she said while hugging me, I patted her head "If a vampire try something on you just tell me ok?" I said and she nodded, "Yes my protector" she mumbled and I giggled as we fell asleep.



I was walking in the corridors searching for Sunwoo, after walking three times around the same corridor I finally found him but he was with his group, that wasn't the problem, the real problem is Changmin is in the group too, I counted them and they're eleven, so he was the missing one, how stupid I am?

I took a deep breath and walked to them, they were all looking at me when I arrived in front of them, I slowly ate my snack looking back at them not saying a word, all we could hear was me munching my snack. That's awkward asf..

"Something's wrong?" Sangyeon finally asked and I nodded, "What is it?" Eric asked, at the same time I could feel a burning gaze on me but I didn't dare to look at him. "He is the problem" I said pointing at Sunwoo who just raised an eyebrow in confusion. "My hair stick" I coldly said and he realised, "Oh, it's in my locker" he replied with a smile, I suddenly grab his ear and said "Let's go then", he whined as I dragged him toward the lockers.

"Let go of me" he said when we were in front of his locker, I let go and waited for him to open it, he took out my hair stick and I immediately took it back. "Thanks who?" He said, "Not you because you're the one who stole it from me" I said back and he scoffed and walked away.

"Wait" I said and runned to him, "What?", "Nothing, just want to give company" I said and he scoffed again, we walked together in silence, "Just ask the question already" he said not looking at me, "Ok, why you didn't told me that Changmin is your friend?" I asked, "I see you met him and for your question he is not the one who like to make new friends" he simply replied.

We saw The Boyz from afar so I stopped, "Does he know what I am?" I stupidly asked and he turned to me and shrugged, "Probably if he saw your eyes colours but we haven't told him about you" he said and I just nodded not wanting to tell him that I didn't saw his friend's aura.

"Anyways see you later" Sunwoo said before messing up my hair and runned to his members, I looked at him running when my eyes finally landed on Changmin who was already staring through my soul, I quickly looked away and walked to my next class.


3rd person Pov

At the end of the day, Yura got out of the university and saw Sunghoon sitting on a bench in front of the gates waiting for their meeting, Yura smiled and went to sit beside him. "Hi" She said excited, Sunghoon smiled back at her and took a snack from his pocket and gave it to her, "I know you're always hungry at this time" he said and Yura took the snack with a little laugh.

"Of course I'm hungry, thank you big boy" she said while eating the snack and Sunghoon laughed at her, "Anyways how goes your life now?" He asked, "Well I entered this university 2 weeks ago and I got forced to be friends with 10 vampires, plus I met a strange one, so basically this place is 40% vampires and 60% humans which is more than the previous one" Yura complained and he laughed at her.

"Don't laugh at me" she whined and pushed Sunghoon's shoulder so he stopped, "How about you? How did you got transformed? By who and when?" She asked curious, "Did I asked that much questions?" He said and she nodded "Yes for me one question is tiring bro" Sunghoon sighed.

"Fine, I got transformed the day after you left by a girl in the street, I don't really remember her face but she had black hairs, sharp eyes, pulped lips and a long nose, that's all I know" he replied and Yura felt angry because a stranger turned her best friend into a vampire without his consent.

"I'm sorry" Yura silently said, "Why are you sorry?" Sunghoon looked at her worried, "Sorry I didn't protected you by my fault you are like this forever" she said guilty for leaving him, "It's not your fault, you can't protect me during your whole life, it's that vampire fault not yours, don't even say that again, plus It's not that bad to be a vampire, I already got used to it so don't be sorry about this" Sunghoon said while holding her hands.

Yura nodded at him and he pulled her into a hug, "You smell" Sunghoon said and she hit his back "Fuck off" she pulled away, they looked at eachother and both laughed continuing their talk. Someone was watching them since Yura sat beside the boy, Changmin was walking out the school but when he caught Yura beside a boy he stopped and looked at them, he didn't know why but he felt angry and jealous.

He know her for almost two weeks and they talked together just two times but he couldn't control the feeling he had for her, he was attracted by her just when she bumped into him, it's as if he is attracted by an inexpressible feeling, like they are mean to be together one day.

This feeling was pissing him off, he didn't want to face that feeling again after what happened in the past but still couldn't control it. He was jealous of how she was smiling at the boy, the way they were laughing together and mostly when the boy was holding her hands, Changmin just wanted to stop the boy but didn't when he saw them hugging eachother.

That was too much for him to handle so he just runned- more like teleported, to his house and ignored his friends who asked him why he came back late, he saw three humans in the living room with the other, he didn't think more and just dig his fangs in one of them.

Feeling angry, he drank all the blood from that human who died in front of everyone eyes, his friends looked at him scared and surprised because Changmin has stopped killing humans 45 years ago when he healed from his aggressiveness. They had the feeling he might restart this mess again and were worried about him.

We're starting interesting things I think..

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