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Yura Pov

"Is there something wrong mom?" I nervously asked, "Of course something is wrong Yura, first you've been coming home this late at night since a few days now, what have you been doing out this late again?" she questioned, "I'm sorry mom I've been hanging out with my friends and forgot to tell you" I lied hoping she would buy it.

"If that's really the truth then why would you have that?" she said pointing to my bruises, I glurped, "I fell-", "Stop lying to me Yura, you have vampire blood on your clothes don't try to fool me!" she raised her voice at me, of course she knows everything about vampires.

"Right I fought with a vampire, sorry" I quietly admit, she took a breath looking through the papers in her hands, I got a glimpse of what were those papers and I gasped "Those belong to me!" I tried to take it back but my mother pulled them away from my reach giving me a glare, she never act that way and never put her nose in my belongings or even enter my room without permission so why is she suddently acting like this?

"Are they your so called friends?" she showed the drawings I did of the boyz on my first days, I nodded slightly, I probably should've hide them better. Mom shook her head in disappointment, "Were they the one who fought with you?" she asked more, "No it wasn't them, they are my friends" I defended.

She suddenly revealed Changmin's portrait to me, I am doomed, they surely know eachother after what that boy said to me and at the way my mother is holding the paper with much anger. "This one is the most horrible vampire on earth plus the rest are his friends, why would you 'hang out' with them? you knew they were vampires why talking to them? are you out of your mind?" she scolded me.

"I know you don't want me near vampires but let's be real they are everywhere now and vampires or not, I choose whoever I want to be friends with, they're nice they did nothing to me and for this one what's even your deal with him?" she scoffed, why is she not beliving me.

"Of course he haven't done a thing yet, this boy is waiting for the right time to kill the rest of our family like in the past, damn it Yura open your eyes no vampires are good mostly Ji Changmin, stay away from his group!" she yelled at me which made me flinch a bit, I got my throat tied, I've never seen my mother this mad.

Silence took upon the room ending the discussion with my mother ripping my drawings and leaving to throw them, I looked at my dad who watched the whole argument. I got even more upset since he didn't interfere so I made my way to my room and passed by him with anger and pain, how could my mother yell at me whitout saying the full reason of her hatred toward Changmin.

Closing my door I finally sighed, everything is just too much and nobody want to tell me what really happened, leaving me in the dark. They both take it out on me when I did nothing to them, why? plus one is saying my family did the wrong and the other is saying the boy was the one at fault, who should I belive?

Right I should belive my mother since she's the one who raised me but on the other side I want to trust and belive Changmin too, sorry mom but you can't control me unless you give me the truth, for now I will stay with them.


3rd person Pov

The group of vampires have been waiting for one of their member to return at their meeting place, the awaited one finaly show up covered with his own blood all the way to his hands, clothes and throat except the human blood on his chin due to the drink he got on his way here, a vision of horror if he presented himself like this to humans but it wasn't the case since the rest were used to this kind of scene, it even made them chuckle a bit.

"Did that girl sliced your throat?" Yeji asked the obvious to tease him and the boy just rolled his eyes to her, "Yeah but still gave her what she deserve unlike you" he spat and Yeji defended "Well she was so scared of me that she fainted".

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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