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It was now 11pm so Yura got up and told the boys she was heading home, some of them tried to walk with her because it could be dangerous but she rejected it and went off. Little did she knew someone decided to follow her in case something might happen to the girl.


Pov Yura

I walked in the silent streets, the bright full moon making things visible around me. I felt relaxed after spending time with the boyz even if they act like jerks sometimes, they were still cool to stay with. At a moment I felt like someone was following me but nothing was there when I looked behind me, I continued my way until I hear a chuckle, I stopped looking around me, everything was too silent, I kept attention on my surroundings.

A shadow moved really fast in front of me, I immediatly grabbed my stick from my hairs ready to fight anyone who show up. I got tackled on the ground making me lose my stick, the vampire over me was glaring at me with their bright red eyes, it looked like a girl, I immediatly punched the vampire on the face and pushed her off of me, I got up and she did the same with a smirk on her face.

I looked around for my hair stick, I saw it not too far from me, I quickly runned to pick it up from the ground, the vampire runned in a second to me ready to grab me but I turned around and cut her on her arm with my stick, she growled, I faced her holding my stick strongly in my hand, she tried to jump on me but I moved on the side dodging her, I could finally see who it was, that girl Chungha from the university and she really wanted to kill me right now.

I took all my confidence with me and runned to her, she of course teleported behind me and strangled me, I harshly planted my stick deeply into her hand, she screamed and I kicked her knee to make her loses her grip but she snatched my necklace with her. She grabbed my hairs before I could move away from her, I took her hand back from my hairs and throws her on the wall beside me, she hit the wall and fall on the ground looking tired.

I approach her and crouched grabbing her hairs to make her look at me, "What do you want from me ?" I spat at her but she just laughed and grabbed my arm thightly from her hairs and bite deeply my arm, I screamed in pain, she was litteraly sucking all my blood at this pace, I tried to move from her but I couldn't at all, it was like I got paralysed, I realised she was using her power on me.

She suddently got grabbed by her hairs again making her move out from my skin, she got pushed on the wall, her power stopped when she let go of my arm, my arm was bleeding a lot, I put pressure on it to make it stop.

I looked at who was holding Chungha's arms on the wall on both sides of her face, I couldn't see clearly due to my low energy but I heard him talk, "Who told you to try to kill her?" he said full of anger, the girl just laughed again, "My own self, why are you even protecting one of the Hwang's who killed Miyeon" Chungha said with a huge smirk on her face.

The boy thightened his grip on her making his eyes turn even more red, "Never say her name again" he growled at her, "That would have never happen if you had stayed with me" she immediatly spat back, "SHUT UP" the boy put his hand on the girl neck strangling her, "I know you wouldn't kill me" Chungha smirked and the boy let go off her angrily, I finally reconised him, Changmin "This girl won't stay alive, believe me" Chungha last said and disappeared.

Changmin looked down at me with his red eyes, I though I was going to die in his hands, he stepped closer and I tried to get up but failed, his eyes were fixed on my arm, I knew it was due to my blood so I crawled back in fear but I saw him trying to do a self control and his eyes turned back into normal meaning he succeded but due to high fear and low blood I fainted on the ground.


Pov Changmin

Yura left the place but I sensed something was up so I get up and went away to find Yura, I heard the guys asking me where I was going but I didn't bothered to respond to them. I walked around following her human smell. I found her after some minutes and followed her silently in the dark, I hide when she turned around.

I didn't know why I was worried about her at the moment but when I stopped thinking, Yura was no where to be found, I started to run around like a crazy until I heard a scream, I immediatly runned to where the scream came from and saw Chungha bitting Yura's arm.

I didn't wait and rushed grabbing Chungha's hair and pushed her harshly on the wall. "Who told you to try to kill her?" I said angrily to her, "My own self, why are you even protecting one of the Hwang's who killed Miyeon?" She smirked, I got even more angrier just by her saying her name.

I didn't realise I was tightening my grip on her, "Never say her name again" I growled, "That would have never happen if you had stayed with me" She spat back, it was too much for me, she was going too far, "SHUT UP" my hand came around her throat starting to strangle her. "I know you wouldn't kill me" she said and she was right, I hated her for that so I let go off her, "This girl won't stay alive, belive me" Chungha said before vanishing away.

I was so angry but I smelled fresh blood, not just simple blood but a strong one like a noble blood. I turned and looked down to Yura's arm, I looked back at her in the eyes, I was sure her eyes turned yellow when she shared looks with the others earlier which mean she didn't put lenses today so why aren't they changing right now.

I stepped closer due to curiosity, she tried to get up but failed, she saw I was stepping close to her and started to crawl back and I saw her eyes turn blue, I stopped right away because I knew it was because she was scared of me at that moment and it hurt me a bit.

I realised my eyes were red and I tried to calm my anger and tried to stop smelling her blood due to its strong scent, it worked I felt my body relax but saw her suddently faint, I runned to her and carried her to our house.

When I arrived at the house, the other were already back so I speed upstairs to my room to not let them see I took Yura here. I laid her on the bed and cleaned her arm even though it was hard because the smell of her blood hit my nose again and seeing it this close didn't helped that much, I controled myself a lot to not taste it.

I finished by putting a band aid. I was sitting on the ground staring at her and many questions runned through my brain, 'Should I protect her or not?', 'why her eyes doesn't turn yellow when she look at me?' 'does she see my aura or not?' I groan in frustration maybe I should try to talk to her after she wake up to get answers.

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