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Yura pov

After school I waited for my dad to pick me up, Wonyoung already left so I was alone and it was pretty dark, I was looking through my phone but I suddenly heard a scream. I looked behind me, the scream was coming from the school, I looked around and saw the gym door open, I walked toward the gym and carefully went in, I turned on my phone flashlight, the first thing I saw was a girl on the floor.

I runned to her and kneeled beside her, I was about to check her pulse but when I moved her hairs I noticed two marks on her neck, I still checked her pulse but she was already dead, she must've been got bite to death.

I got up and looked around me because I knew the vampire was still here, I can feel his presence, then someone grabbed me harshly from behind, I dropped my phone, I took the person's arm and lift the person up and throw her to the ground.

I could see her face, it's Yeji the girl I saw the first day in my class, she got up really fast and runned to me ready to jump on me but I jumped over her, she was back in front of me in a second and pushed me on the floor, she was about to bite me but I swiped my leg to her feets and she fell beside me.

I get up and took my hair stick but she snapped it with her leg as she get up, she directly tried to punch me and I luckily avoided it and grabbed her arm and her hairs, she was looking at me with pure anger, her eyes were bright red, she took the opportunity to kick my stomach to make me lose the grip, my eyes turned grey cause she was getting on my nerves, she's too strong and dangerous after drinking.

I noticed my hair stick and runned toward it but Yeji got in front of me and grabbed me by my throat while pinning me on the wall, she was strangling me, I couldn't move, my feets weren't even touching the ground, I started to lose vision.

"Yeji let her go" someone said, it was a male voice, "No, she is a-", "I know what she is, now stop" he cut her, "I'm dying, could you have your little talk a next time?" I said quietly and Yeji heard it, she tighten her hand on my neck, I felt my eyes changing colours again.

"Ow look her eyes are blue, she's scared" Yeji said laughing, I didn't knew that my eyes could turn blue, it was actually the first time, "Let me stop your suffer" Yeji said smiling, "Another day, we have something more important right now Yeji" the man said with a serious tone, Yeji sighed and let me fall on the floor, "I'm not done with you Yura" Yeji said before I could see her figure walking away with the man, then everything turned dark.


3rd person Pov

The boyz were walking around the school to find some fresh blood but Changmin noticed Yeji and Seonghwa getting out from the gym, he knew that something was up, when those two are thirty they doesn't let humans alive, "Guys continue, I'll check something" Changmin said to his members and they nodded.

He runned toward the gym in a second and went inside, the first thing he saw was the girl's body and then noticed a phone he grabbed it and though it was maybe the phone of the now dead girl but he then saw the hair stick, which Yura always wear, on the ground.

He picked it up and saw Yura unconscious on the floor, he panicked a little and immediately check her neck but thankfully there was nothing except hands marks like she got strangled, he sighed in relief when he checked her pulse, he didn't want her to die, he felt like he need to protect her because she look different to him.

He carried Yura outside and saw a man who was running to him, "What did you do to my daughter?" he shouted to him, he understood that he is Yura's father, "Nothing she....fell asleep in the gym" he lied but the man believed him and apologized for shouting at him.

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