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I walked in the hall's school to reach my locker, I opened my locker to take my books when someone put his hand on my waist, my eyes turned yellow by the touch.

By reflex I closed my locker, I took my hair stick and switched our positions, I pinned the person on my locker and looked at him in the eyes with my hand up ready to pierce his heart, the person was the Juyeon guy. He was smirking like he was enjoying my actions, I just scoffed and put my hand down.

"What do you want?" I asked him annoyed, "I just wanted to talk to you" he answered, I just walked away, not wanting to talk with him. But I knew he was following me, "I loved your actions, you were so attractive" he said while putting his arm around my shoulders, I rolled my eyes and took off his arm from me, walking faster.

"Yah! Wait for me" he yelled, "Why would I, we're not friend" I yelled back not looking at him. Sometimes I forgot that vampires can run and walk faster than me, he was now in front of me and I sighed in frustration,
"So unfair" I muttered.

"Then let's be friend, Yura" He said bending down a little to look at me in the eyes, "How do you know my name?" I asked serious, he was close to my face but I didn't move because it wasn't affecting me at all.

"Mmh, I did my research, now answer my question" I came even more closer to his face and said, "I won't be friend with a vampire and a jerk like you, got it?" I moved away and he just smirked, I walked to my class and he didn't followed me this time. If the eleven of them are that annoying, I will definitely kill all of them. I sighed at my thoughts.


Pov Juyeon

"The girl is kinda strong" I said to the others and they laughed at me, "I think you are the weak one" Chanhee joked and I glared at him, "Say the one who is scared to drink directly on humans" it was Chanhee's trun to glare at me.

"Did you became friend with her?" Kevin asked, "No, she said she doesn't want to be friends with a vampire and a jerk like me" I answered and they all laughed at me again, I groaned.

"Where is Changmin?" Hyunjae changed the conversation, "He went in a classroom with a student" Sunwoo replied and Hyunjae nodded, "Look Yura is coming" Eric said pointing at her, "You go" I said to Chanhee while pushing him to her, he turned to me to complain but I pushed him again.


Pov Yura

I was about to go outside but a blond haired boy was backing away from a group and he wasn't looking behind him, he was about to bump into me so I put my hand to stop him, he turned to me and smiled awkwardly, "Look were you're going" I said coldly but he just rolled his eyes, I recognised him, he was the same boy from yesterday at the gate.

I looked behind him and there was Sunwoo, Juyeon, Eric and other boys, I was still looking at them, my eyes were yellow of course but I didn't care right now because they know it already. All of them were looking at me so I understand that they send the blond boy to get my attention.

I sighed and was about to walk away, but the blond boy stopped me by grabing my arm, "Hell no, you ain't going away, my friends send me to get you so now you have to come" he said while dragging me to his group.

I was now in front of them, annoyed, one of them stepped in front of me and smiled, "Yura class 203 from literature degree, let's make present-" he started, "Y'all are the FBI or something like that?" I cutted him, but the blond haired boy just shushed me by putting his hand on my mouth, "You're noisy as hell" he said, I tried to calm down.

The other boy started to talk again,
"I'm Sangyeon, here is Jacob, Hyunjae, Kevin, Haknyeon, Younghoon, Sunwoo, Eric, Juyeon and the guy beside you is Chanhee" he said pointing at each of them.

Now I know all of their names, "Like you know, we are vampires and we want to be friend with you" Sangyeon said, I wanted to talk so I bite Chanhee's hand, he yelled dramatically and glared at me, I smiled innocently.

"Why are you so obsessed to be friend with me?" I said tired, "Just because you look pretty hot" Sunwoo said, I was about to go to slap him but Sangyeon stopped me, "Don't listen to him, we just want to be friend with you because you look kind compared to the previous vampire killer" he said trying to calm me.

"Do you really think I will trust one of you?" I scoffed, "You should" Sunwoo said, "Or what?" I said glaring at him, it make him smirk, "Or this" he showed me his red eyes and his fangs while smilling devilishly, I laughed "Do you think you're scaring me?" he got annoyed by my attitude so he harshly pushed me against a wall and was about to bite me but Jacob and Hyunjae pulled him away from me.

I got angry so my eyes turned grey, Sangyeon was trying to calm him and it worked, his eyes were back into their natural colors and his fangs disappeared but he keep glaring at me. "I dare you to try to bite me again and you won't see the light again" I said with a serious tone to Sunwoo and walked away from them.

As I walked away I bump into someone, I looked at the person, saying a straight sorry but when I saw him, I couldn't stop staring at him. He was taller than me, his skin was pale, fully dressed in black, his red hairs were put on one side of his head revealing his forehead, long neck, sharp eyes and thin lips.

He was looking like a vampire but he wasn't, there is no dark aura around him just like a normal human. He looked down at me when I was staring at him.

"Will you move or keep staring at me?" He simply said and I came back into reality, I apologized again and bowed at him before walking away embarrassed.

Bloody Aura | Ji ChangminWhere stories live. Discover now