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3rd person Pov

Today we have PE a bonus class I choosed to get more points in my grades, there is two classes who will play dodgeball together. Me and Wonyoung entered the gym and saw that the other class were seniors, "Yura look, there are San and Chungha, they're really strong. "Wonyoung said a bit scared, Yura looked at where she was pointing and saw one girl and one boy.

The girl had black hairs, sharp eyes, pale skin and the boy had brown hairs with a grey strand of hair, pale skin too, a strong jawline and we could see his cheeks bones, Yura saw that they're both vampire with the strong dark aura around them without eyes contact. They both looked intimidating.

"Ok classes take place on each side of the net, choose your team" the teacher exclaimed, everyone walked to their place, Yura stand on her spot and looked in front of her where the other team is.

Then someone took his spot right in front of her on the other team, he looked up at her, Yura glurped as she recognised the guy from yesterday, they were staring at eachother now but Chungha came beside him and whispered something in his ear and went away, he rolled his eyes annoyed.

Yura was thinking if the girl is trying to flirt with him to bite him later or they really know eachother, her thoughts got interrupted when she heard the teacher's whistle which means the start.

The game was good at first but when the ball was in possession of Chungha or San it became dangerous because they're throwing the ball too hard at the others, many of them got hurt. Chungha threw the ball at Yura but she narrowly avoided it, Yura glared at her, Chungha smiled at her with a pure devil look, Yura took the ball from her teammates' hands and she threw it with all of her strength.

The ball hit Chungha on the head and she got eliminated, someone was watching the scene with a surprised look at the girl who just showed a really strong move, he was somehow confused because he was sure that she isn't a vampire since he saw her yesterday or he would know it by her smell. He definitely want to know more about her.

San glared at Yura and threw the ball back at her but this time it touched her on her left arm, she got eliminated and went to sit on the side, Yura groaned in pain, her arm was hurting so much. I should remain myself to never underestimate a vampire's strength, she thought.

As she massage her arm someone sat beside her, Yura looked at him, it was the same boy, he didn't talk or anything he was just watching the others play. Yura looked back at the game in silence, it was really awkward.

"You look really strong" Yura jumped a little at the sudent talk and looked at him, he was still looking in front of him, "Uhh, is that a compliment?" She said hesitantly, his eyes finally landed on her, "Maybe" She started to panic inside her, the way he's looking at her right in the eyes make her going dumb du du du dumb.

"My name is Changmin" He softly said "I-I'm Yura" she stuttered, she mentally curse at herself for stuttering, he just showed a thin smile, Am I about to faint? 'Why he is so attractive like WHO ARE YOU?', she thought.

"Thanks I guess" her eyes widened when she heard him, "Did I really said that out loud?" Yura ask panicked, he just nodded and she gasp, "Oh my fucking god, why am I born dumb" she said and the boy laugh, Yura looked at him laughing and she melted because of his dimples, he was now looking like a cute squirrel but in a second he snapped back into his normal expression and looked at her.

"I think we will see eachother often" He said before getting up and leaving the gym, Yura didn't even noticed that the game ended, she got up and went to Wonyoung before leaving the place.


Yura Pov

I was eating with Wonyoung when I saw Haknyeon, Eric and Juyeon entering the cafeteria, they are vampires and don't usually come here so I found it suspicious, I continued eating like they weren't here, I sometimes take a glance at them discreetly but they noticed me and walked toward us, I cursed inside my head, why can't they leave me in peace?

"Hello to our favourite girl" Eric said, I just glared at him without saying a word and continued eating, one of them scoffed, "You are friend with them?" Wonyoung asked, I shook my head as a no, "Of course she is friend with us" Haknyeon said while taking a seat beside Wonyoung.

I was pretending that they weren't here but Eric sat at my right and Juyeon crouched at my left and he looked up at me, they were both staring at me, "What? Am I that beautiful?" I said coldly while looking in front of me where was Wonyoung who was blushing because Haknyeon was smiling at her, I started to boil inside me.

"Yes, very beautiful" Juyeon said with a smirk, I looked at him in disgust, "You look really pretty Wonyoung" Haknyeon said putting his arm around Wonyoung's shoulders, Wonyoung was a blushing mess and let out a quiet "Thank you" he better stop touching her or I will surely kill him, I thought as I glared at Haknyeon while stuffing my mouth with a big portion of rice.

"Look Wonyoung is friendly with us, why don't you do the same?" Eric said and I quickly looked at him my mouth full of food "Don't look at me like that, you're too cute for my eyes" he said bopping my nose, I rolled my eyes and wanted to throw up but still munched my food.

"Yura you have some sauce beside your mouth" Wonyoung told me, I was about to take the tissue but Juyeon took it before me, I looked at him and he cleaned off the sauce of my face, I swear I found him attractive from this close for a split of seconds but I came back into reality and I spit my rice at his face.

He was too stunned to react and I was shocked for a moment but then laughed so hard, that what he gets for being cringe, Juyeon scoffed at my reaction, "Was this necessary?" he said and I nodded at him "Well you kinda asked for it since you don't leave me eat in peace" I said proudly, "That's it you are friend with us now" Juyeon said, I stopped laughing and was about to protest.

"Don't complain or I'll come everyday to waste your food on me" he smiled, rubbing my hairs, I took off his hand to stop messing up my hairs. "Ok fine but stop touching me or I'll chop chop your hands" I said not thinking because I wanted them to leave me in peace well at least during lunch.

"See it's not that difficult" Haknyeon said, I sighed, I think I will regret my answer, "Then see you later " Juyeon said, they all got up and leave the place.

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