A teenage Chinese guy named King Long, woke up in his bed puzzled again by a weird dream. Before, he only dreamed of a large, long-bodied dragon. It always protect him to dark shadows that chases him in his dreams. But now, it was different. He was not the only one in the dream.
"Weird." King told to himself as he faced the mirror in his room. He is living with his master named Quo Long. He stepped out of the room after washing his face and decided to consult his respected master.
"Sensei..." He called outside his master's room. They both live in a Chinese shrine at the foot of a mountain away from the civilization in China.
The old-aged man, with white long beard and has chingky eyes stepped out from his room as he heard the call of his grandson/student. It was Quo Long. He is training his grandson to master the recipe in making healing potions. They both search the mountains to find herbs that they needed. That mountain exploration is a hard thing to do.
"What bothers you my son?" He asked his grandson that kneels in front of his door as a sign of respect.
"Sensei, I got a new dream." He replied to his master but still kneeling down with head bowed.
"Let's talk about it inside." His Master turn his back and walked inside the room. His grandson stood up and follow his master.
"What was your dream about?" His master asked him as they sit in the floor in front of a mini table. He poured a cup of herbal tea in their both cups before answering his master's inquisition.
"Master, do you remember what I told you about previous dreams. A long serpent-bodied dragon surrounds me and looks into my eyes af if telling me something." He seriously asked his master.
"Yes my son. But will you give me more details about that dragon." This time, his master become interested, not like before when he tells his story, his master just listen but do not really believe in him. But now, he is starting to ask question. The teenage Chinese guy, felt happy, so started telling his master the dream he always see.
"Sensei, the dragons is a yellow-colored one, in my dream, it emerged from a river. It has writing tools on its back. He looks intelligent. From the river, he will encircle me and he will stop in front of me and look straight to my eyes. As if trying to tell something. Then, he will disappear." He said while remembering the details of his dreams. His eyes are closed intently trying not to forget any part of it.
"Huanglong." His master whispered as he heard the description of his grandson.
Mythical Clash
AdventureWhat if the myths of different races meet? Greek mythology Norse mytholgy Egyptian Myth Chinese Myth Korean Myth Japanese Myth Indian Myth at Pinoy Myth and many more.