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"donghyuck are you okay?"seeing donghyuck all happy and giddy and bubbly and all rainbows and butterflies is not new to all the people inside the school but this time it's getting a little too much.

"of course i'm okay!"his honey like voice ringing inside their ears made them melt. they love donghyuck so much.

meanwhile renjun just looked at donghyuck whose being a social butterfly and all rainbows and kittens.

he doesn't like donghyuck the way donghyuck likes him, he just simply wants to thank him with whatever donghyuck had ever done to him.

"you're staring"someone behind renjun said making him jump and look. it was na jaemin, schools flirt.

"why do you care"renjun bluntly said before turning on to his work that the teacher gave them earlier.

"but isn't staring bad?"the raven haired boy then grabbed his chair to sit beside renhun who just looked at him in disgust.

"what are you on na?"renjun eyed jaemin head to toe before slightly pushing him. ne and jaemin never even converse even though they're both classmates for half a year now.

"i'm just saying"and then he just stayed there. beside renjun. that donghyuck can see. maybe everyone could see.

renjun then looked up seeing all eyes are on him and, well, jaemin. he usually doesn't get any attention at all, so he's panicking.

"mind your own business"he raised his voice making them all mind their own business. donghyuck can only look at him. he might know a thing or two as to why renjun is like this.

lunch time came and renjun spotted sungchan near the vending machine. so of course he went their because he usually eats inside the art room because he's lonely.

"are you hungry?"sungchan asked as renjun stood beside him. the older chinese just shaking his head as a no.

him and sungchan then just decided to eat at the school garden since it's not crowded and loud.

once they settled right next to a big tree, they say there and just let silence take over them. it was a comfortable silence that surrounds them, the only sounds you can hear are some birds chirping the gust of the wind, and someother students.

"what does your mom means about you not a part of the family?"renjun's ears perked up looking at sungchan with his brows arched up.

the younger swallowed a big lump on his throat before looking at renjun who is confused as he is. well maybe just a little, renjun can only assume what his mom meant by that.

"i'm sorry, you didn't know"

"no what do you mean?"

"well, when she and my mom were talking, i was about to go sit beside my mom when your mother suddenly said that you're adopted"

now kids, this is where renjun is super confused. question one is why the hell would his 'mother' tell it's business partners that their son is actually adopted and two, just why?

"i'm sorry"sungchan apologized again and renjun doesn't even know what to do. he can only think of the times he's abused physically, emotionally and mentally.

he can only think of the times where he's like the biggest mistake ever. well then if he is, then why isn't he kicked out of the house yet?

"it's okay, i kinda knew"renjun simply said, and simply lied. he doesn't know. sungchan can only sigh and offer renjun is fullsun ade.

"it taste good, plus you haven't eaten"

"seriously donghyuck? seduce? sungchan?"chenle facepalmed while donghyuck just whined.

"why? just do it, maybe he's into you"

"you're stupid you know that? i can't believe you're number one from the whole school it's like your IQ right now is a pea size"

"nevermind then, fuck you"donghyuck then continued to look outside the window getting a clear view of renjun and sungchan in the school's garden.

"why do you even hate sungchan? he's actually a nice kid"considering they're both in the same class, chenle obviously knows sungchan has nice intentions.

"i don't like him"donghyuck simply said before looking at chenle. "i really don't like him"

"well, it's pretty obvious that you like renjun ge so much, buy leave him be. i've been observant and sungchan is his first ever friend who he can be with"

"but i'm here, i will even protect him"the older tan just pouted and crossed his arms. he just can't accept the fact that he's been wanting to at least be the olders' friend before making it blossom as to something more.

"you said those exact words to him"those seven words struck donghyuck like a truck. he didn't know the younger will just use his past to do this to him.

"i'm sorry, say that again?"

"i said, "chenle smirked, up until this day his precious hyung is still affected. "you said those exact words to him. ended up hurting yourself"

"zhong chenle, i told you my past because i just want it out of my chest and if you say or atleast speak about him ever again i might just kill you"

".oohhhh scary"chenle acted out before laughing hysterically. "hyung, maybe it's the other way around"he smiled, he looked at his watch and then suddenly turned into to the bubbly chenle donghyuck knew.

"i have appointments to attend you deal with your jealousy"then he skipped outside.

donghyuck can only wish that he wasn't crying. but he was too late, there's tears rolling down his eyes. he couldn't help it.

what chenle said affected him so much that it's practically hard to erase him from donghyuck's memory.

donghyuck then wondered if that's also the case with renjun. he dedicated his whole three months persuading renjun but it's like it's not even working.

and it's like the older is not even giving him a chance. he is just giving mixed emotions to donghyuck. one time he's mad at the younger, then next he's all soft, and then back at it again with being mean.

donghyuck doesn't even know if he'll have a chance with renjun. he doesn't even know if the older is gay.

"maybe i should confront him, and if he say no then i have no choice to not bother him"

although he was sad letting his love and affection towards the older fall down the drain, at least he gets to speak about his true feelings for the older.

totally different from what i've written yesterday, but anyways hey shawty ;)

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