say the name

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"ye-yeah— oh— j-jeno— i- "he was a stuttering mess, his tears were all over his face and his nose is super runny. he stood up but tripped but thankfully jeno caught his arm before he can land on his ass.

"why are you crying? did someone or something hurt you?"jeno asked as he guided chenle to sit on the bench. "no..."

this was the first time he saw chenle cry to be honest. and he felt the need to comfort the boy until his ride arrived.

"i respect your decision about not telling me—"

"there's this boy, "oh how weak he is right now in jeno's eyes. "i like him, so much"biting his lips he let out a cry and jeno can already predict what he's gonna say next.

"he doesn't even know, how funny is that"he would always pull a cheeky smile, but right now all he could do is laugh bitterly. "i don't even know why i like him, but i do and it's frustrating how we met on bad terms and i'm beginning to think he likes his bestfriend"

"like is like, chenle. you can't control it, and why do you think that he likes his bestfriend?"jeno rubbed small circles on the youngers back to help him calm his crying.

"i can see it in his eyes when he looked at his bestfriend"chenle gritted his teeth if only he can just let jeno fall in love with jaemin then maybe he'll have less competition.

just call him selfish and a big brat, he wants jisung all to himself.

the next day was hectic for renjun, he is nervous on what's to come. dejun had told him about the possibility of both his parents to be in jail and the fact that mark fucking lee is going to get his donghyuck away from him.

chewing on his nails, he looked at the clocked seeing it striking 3 pm. this is the day he get to see his parents after that fight they had. this is the day he needed to get the closure he wanted.

hearing the door opening, he jolted up seeing donghyuck smiling. "hi baby, are you nervous?"

"very"renjun replied as donghyuck sat beside him and let him lean on his shoulders. "that's normal, and don't worry. i'm right here if they ever hurt you"

renjun looked up and smiled making the younger do the same thing. "can we just bail? i'm too afraid to see their faces again. let's just go to the arcade yeah?"

"jun, we're in this together right? i got you"and as on cue, the door opened revealing both mr. and mrs. huang entering and probably avoiding renjun's glare on them.

dejun and the lee's soon arrived and sat the side. "now that we're all here, why don't we let both huangs say something to their son? because i know renjun needs to hear the words he's been wanting to hear for a long time"

renjuns heart was beating so fast he has to hold on to donghyuck's hands and squeeze it lightly. the room was quite, very quite.

"renjun, i am very sorry for what i've done to you baby. i know i have no rights to even call you baby anymore. we were such bad parents for you, and you literally deserve the whole world. no one can explain how much of a wonderful person you are, and it's our fault for damaging it. i'm sorry for all of those hits and shouts that i've gave you,

i honestly don't know why i became that kind of mother. we really have a great relationship when you were still in your childhood days but as you grew up i became very violent with you. you must be pressured so much huh? you must be tired from all the stuff we've said to you huh? am so so sorry. i know a sorry can't forgive all the mistakes i've done as a mother to you but please, please forgive me. 

i was not a perfect mother figure to you and it's all my fault on how you've turn out to be. but do you know who made your old personality shine? him, "pointing at donghyuck, mrs. huang smiled sadly before letting tears escape her eyes.

"he is the reason you're still here, he is the reason behind your georgous smile. at first i really don't approve of him because of your father, you're father would always tell me you're gonna get hurt in the end with him and treat you like trash after, but no. after seeing you with him for the weeks made me realize that there's actually someone who will love you unconditionally.

all i'm trying to say is, forgive me. for i have been a horrible mother to you, and for ruining what's best for you"loud sobs can be heard, and renjun can feel his heart beat faster than ever. but he's still not getting the word he wants to really hear from their mouths.

everyone's focus was now on mr. huang who had just a poker face all throughout the time he's in the room. no one really expected him to talk, but he did the unexpected, he did talked. and for once, small tears are falling from his eyes.

"you've much, "hanging his head low, he can hear how renjusn heart shattered. he's really not the type to open up and tell his feelings, but right now, he's gone try his best to sincerely apologize to what he had done to renjun all these years. he's not gonna get that apology to be accepted right away but there's always time.

"i forgot you were our little boy who used to cry if his mom won't buy him ice cream. i really know a sorry won't make me innocent right away to all of the things i've done to you. you must've been really broken you even attempted to end your life. even though a sorry can't take up for what i did, renjun i'm sorry. i'm sorry and i really mean it. i don't care if you don't forgive me right away, but please know that i'm sincerely sorry for what i've done.

to all of the things i've said to you, to all of the things i've done to you"breaking down, renjun held donghyuck's hands even tighter and donghyuck whispered sweet nothings into his boyfriends ear to calm him down.

he attempted to grab renjun's hands, but renjun pulled them away so he can't reach it. even though he really loved the fact that his father was suddenly apologizing to him, but he just can't picture himself be happy with him again.

yeah i just have to put this out here  bcs i've been making u guys wait..... continuance will be at the next chap

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