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looking at renjun telling his stories, he was sniffling occasionally and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, donghyuck cupped renjun's face and looked at him lovingly.

"hey, don't cry. we can just talk about this some other time"he whispered, "you're still not ready, yet you told me"

"i just wanted to finally let someone know who i really am. and that's you, you're the only person who i can trust anymore"renjun cried more. that just made donghyuck hug the older whispering sweet nothings, rubbing the olders' back.

"what about we grab something to eat?"

"jaemin, do you think he hates me?"but doesn't it looks obvious already?. jeno looked at jaemin who is looking at him.

"as much as i wanna say he doesn't, i really think he does"jaemin frowned, he didn't know he really liked donghyuck that much. if only jeno could see through him...if only the older did.

"what does renjun have that i don't? it doesn't make sense"jeno buried his face on his hands and groaned. there was silence engulfing them, not until chenle came in with a smile on his face.

"jeno hyung~ mark lee is back and he wants to have donghyuck back~ you better step up or game, you're not the only one aiming for our dear donghyuck"

jaemin was thinking, what was this kid thinking? what is behind the cunning smile of his? what's he really planning?

"and yes, act fast because mark is acting soon"and with that he left. why would chenke say those words to him exactly? drama. he wants drama.

tw: mentions of blood

"you're nothing but a disappointment huang renjun"his mother spatted looking at renjun with disgust all over her face.

"you make me feel so disgusted"she added back making renjun cry harder. what did he even do this time? drop his grades? slacking off?

"i...i- "

"don't even try to talk back huang. i wish i never had a son like you!"a harsh slap was given to renjun. like it's not always the first time, ever since renjun was out there, starting middle school.

"get out before i do things to you"

and of course he did, this is his life. he is always being called a mistake, a disappointment. he would always think his parents never even cared for him.

the only time he was cared by his parents was when there's guests. that's seriously the only time where they get all affectionate towards renjun.

"am i really a mistake?"his voice cracking as he cried harder, his sobs bouncing off the walls. "am i really a disappointment? i did all the stuff they want me to do. why am i still a disappointment?"

questioning himself day and night that same question, yet there's no answers. he wants to know, but he too much of a coward to confront his parents.

"will anyone love me?"

"will anyone care for me?"

"will anyone treat me like i'm made of glass?"

"right, "having a bitter laugh escape his lips, he wiped the tears that are nonstop falling out of his eyes. "no one will"

"no one will love you renjun, that's what they always say to you. you're a walking disappointment it's such a pity"

hearing those words come out of  from his own mother made him choke on his sobs. one day he'll see his mother swimming in her own blood, he wouldn't care less.

"will we ever be happy?"donghyuck asked as he looked at renjun. "i don't know"was all the older can answer. i mean he doesn't know the answer either.

"donghyuck..."renjun bit his lip, he knows what he's going to do is to risk everything, but that's what they're doing together right? he had though about this all night, and he's gonna ask donghyuck the question the younger is been dying to hear.

donghyuck looked at him, tilting his head a little with a pout on his lips. renjun can't help but give the younger a quick peck before finally heaving a deep breath before taking donghyuck's hands, holding it.

"you've been waiting for almost two months. two months into showing you were really sincere with your feelings, two months of being with you. two months of me realizing how much i actually needed you in my life,

two months into finally letting me have this decision, "he paused. looking at donghyuck's confused expression, he just let out a hearty laugh.

"you make me so happy, like really happy. i feel like i'm on cloud 9 everytime i'm with you, you're my safe space, my comfort zone, the light of my life. no one can compare to who you are,

and i'm just so lucky god picked you to be mine, and remember when you told me that you're excited to have somebody with a label?"he looked at donghyuck who finally got the idea of what renjun is doing. he panicked of course, tears then started to run down his cheeks unwilling.

"will you, "renjun cupped donghyuck's face, "be my boyfriend?"saying a simple yes was not in donghyuck's vocabulary, instead:

"OH MY FUCKING GOD HELL YES. YES YES YES YES HUANG RENJUN. YES. I ACCEPT THIS. I DO"kissing renjun was just like the first time he kissed him. renjun is that one person who can probably change him in just a kiss.

his lips are just like drugs that you get addicted to. and he's always not complaining of course. kissing donghyuck back, he finally asked him out. he did it. he can finally call donghyuck his.

before the kiss can get out of hand, both pulled away before laughing like they are both the only people on earth.

lips swollen, nose red, and eyes puffy from crying donghyuck gave renjun another kiss before hugging him like no tomorrow.

"i love you so fucking much you just don't know how much i am so lucky to have you"

"oh shut up, i would say the same to you"

and there they were, hugging eachother, whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears. they are literally on cloud 9, everything seems perfect. too perfect.

"so they're together now?"a smile made it's way into chenle's lips as he dialed someone's number.

when the person finally picked up, chenle couldn't help but giggle. "oh jeno hyung, they're together now! surprised?"

"me? i'm saying this because i care for you duh! you're my friend, of course"he smirked. he doesn't consider them friends. he just considers them as his little source of entertainment.

"if you think i'm lying, see for yourself tomorrow"chenle hung up while looking at the now couple just a few meters away from him.

"they're so good together. too bad they'll be broken soon"

happy (late) hyuckie duckie haechan day!

omg i am scared im about to lose my motivation to write this. but hey i just read nana and im not okay. it just gave me another reason to write this again. dw we will get there, i just need the breaking point :>

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