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we just reached a milestone 😭 happy thirty chaps to opposites attract ! <3

as renjun stared into nothingness, his mind is flooded of things that could potentially happen if he were to break up with donghyuck. he doesn't like the way he's feeling like this towards him, he hates the feeling of being away from him.

for a few weeks, he and jeno got close. he got to know why and how he and donghyuck met, and also how he managed to fall in love for another after being in love with another person for years.

he and sungchan also still bonded, it makes him smile a little bit to see the taller laugh at his dark jokes and humor. he thanks him for being there since day one. he also got a little bonding moment with chenle, the younger would always call him and tell him his worries which shocked him because, is this really the chenle they knew?

the boy they knew back then he was stubborn, mean, a brat and also doesn't consider anyone his friends. now that he saw jeno, everything started to get blank and he changed as a better person. which he doesn't mind because it's for the good anyways.

he knew little about jaemin, he only interacted with him when jaemin was annoying him. he also knew little to nothing about jisung, but from what chenle told him, he is the boy he likes but likes another. all of them falling for each other in circles.

and how about mark? he doesn't even wanna talk about mark. just thinking about that one time mark touched his boyfriend

"oh, "he said as he heard the door open in his room making him stand up to who it is. speaking of boyfriend, it's donghyuck who is cautiously making his way inside.

the two just stared at each other for a solid minute, before renjun just realized that he's not dreaming and donghyuck is literally inside his room.

it was dead silent, nothing can be heard from the both of them. but he decided to break it, "hi, "he said. fiddling with his fingers, he is nervous what renjun is going to reply.

but to his disappointment, the older just awkwardly smiled at him and looked everywhere but not him. he slowly walked to go and sit beside the older, making sure he doesn't piss him off in any way.

he chewed on his lips when he finally got to be this close to renjun again. thinking of what to say next, renjun stood up and went to his bed where he sat there instead.

his heart shattered, renjun was so close yet so far and he thinks this is all his fault. "i just, i just wanna say that i'm sorry. i know i should've said it a long time ago but my emotions were too strong and i just can't face you when i'm emotional because i know, i know that will hurt you"

and it eventually did.

"i didn't know that would affect us both so bad, i did bad things and i am so mad at myself for being like this. i never wanted this nor did you, so i'm very sorry"

the atmosphere was thick between them as donghyuck's breath hitched when renjun stood up again and stood in front of him. "why did it took you so long?"

that is such a simple question that donghyuck has to think to give the right answer. he was of course beating himself up and being destructive towards himself but he doesn't wanna tell the truth.

"i-i was thinking about the mistakes i did, i reflected on it. i didn't do anything to disappoint you"at least there's some truth in it.

renjun just nodded, not really thinking about anything and sat beside him. he looked at donghyuck again with soft eyes, and slowly grabbed the boys shaking, cold hands.

opposites attract, renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now