twenty five

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"i hate this, i hate this so much"

it wasn't 'us'? but didn't renjun said 'us' and not 'this so much'? what was happening in donghyuck's mind to even ruin his relationship with renjun.

did he misheard? "donghyuck...?"renjun lifted his head looking at donghyuck's sunken face.

"let's get you home, i'm sure your parents are worrying about you"renjun had his arms around donghyuck's shoulders as they walk and take a cab to take him home.

through the ride, they are both silent. the driver would casually look behind and feeling the tension between the two boys. "you boys had a fight?"the driver said making both of them look at each other.

did they fight? "no we didn't sir"renjun quitely said and seeing donghyuck nod at his answer as well. why would they fight? they are perfectly fine with each other. maybe because it's what renjun said earlier that made donghyuck's face unreadable.

"i see. well if you two did fight, just talk it all out. don't jump into conclusions that could bring a result such as a break up as friends or as couples"

"stop"chenle heard mark say when he was trying his best to treat mark's aching back. "motherfucker just deal with it, it's your fault trying to get into their relationship"

"he was the first to lAUNCH AT ME LELE"

"well i don't care, now stop moving or else i'll punch this pain reliever patch on your back"he barked at mark and treated mark again. he sighed once he's done and turned mark to face him.

"what happened to you? i thought you hated them"mark questioned and chenle just shrugged. his hatred towards for donghyuck wasn't even true, he just doesn't get the boy sometimes that's it.

and renjun, he just hates renjun because of that one time where he was literally dragged outside his classroom. like what the fuck, that's embarrassing as hell.

"that's just you mark, and can you stop taking donghyuck away from renjun? it's just sad seeing you desperately wanting the boy to be with you even though he clearly is happy with his current life right now"

"you don't have to remind me what kind of jerk i am back then"mark buried his face into his hands and sighed deeply while chenle just patted his head.

"also i've noticed, you and jeno are quite close"hearing the name chenle despised the most roll off marks tongue makes him angry.

he's angry at the fact that he's supposed to like jisung but instead it's jeno. he's angry that jeno can make make him feel all fuzzy and warm, he's angry at himself to be this far into the rabbit hole and he can't easily escape now.

"we're not close"he simply said and stood up to gather all his things. "don't move too much, bend or go to donghyuck's. you'll get beaten up badly"and with he left.

mark just watched chenle with an annoying smirk on his face.

"thank you so much for bringing donghyuck, we were so worried"donghyuck's mom said as she caressed her son's cheek while looking at renjun lovingly.

"no problem mom,"he smiled and looked at donghyuck who gave a smile in return too. but he knows that smile is forced. "anyways, i'm heading home now"

taking a cab again to go to his house, he has a lot on his mind. how donghyuck's face can't be read, to his unusual behavior and how he's literally uncomfortable by looking at him in the eyes.

did he went too far when he punched mark? does donghyuck still care for mark? does donghyuck hates him? all of this questions are clouding his mind that he can't help but let tears escape his eyes.

getting out of the car, he instantly went inside his house and burst out crying once he reached his own room. he doesn't know why he's crying but the mere fact that donghyuck is hating on him is making him feel a lot right now.

and oh how the tables have turned, in this kind of situation donghyuck is most likely the one feeling like he's not enough for renjun but look at the dramatic turn. it's renjun now.

but can you blame him? they've experienced everything together, going through it together and have this bond together that most people doesn't understand.

he's not used to donghyuck being the one who's uncomfortable around him. he's really not and it's breaking his heart how the only boy he let in his life is slowly hating on him and maybe in the end he will leave just like everyone else.

and he curses under his breathe as pictures of himself crying inside this very room because of his parents are flashing right before his eyes. he still can't let go, he can't let go of the past.

"did i even got the closure i need? were they even sincere about what they said?"and then he remembered, his dad doesn't even count him as his child and will never be his child.

he laughed bitterly as tears flowed nonstop almost pooling the floor. he just wants a normal life, is that too much to ask?

"WHAT?!"acting as if he's surprised, jisung gasped as jaemin told him everything that jeno and chenle talked about.

"he's a snake, a snitch. for me? more like for his fucking self. i can't believe him, he made me believe he's my friend—"jaemin sniffed as he tried not to let his tears drop.

"he made me believe that i was loved because he's always there, he... he made me believe in myself but what did he do? he betrayed me"jaemin broke down as the two's conversation keeps playing on his head.

he felt so hurt that chenle betrayed him, he was with jeno all this time pretending he's innocent and all. he genuinely loved chenle as his friend and chenle as a whole. but i guess he's just another one of those people in his life who will betray him anyways.

jisung feels guilty for not telling jaemin earlier, now he feels like he betrayed jaemin too. and if jaemin knew, he's not going to be with the older again.

"i treated him like a friend, was he just acting? is he insulting me? because jeno will never love me and he's getting jeno's attention instead? tell me jisung am i that ugly to not be loved? even just once?"

he's desperate. desperate to feel love. he's never felt true love ever since his parents decided to have a divorce, he never felt true love the same way as before. and he just want feel that even if it's just for a minute he'd take it.

"no! you're not ugly! who told you that!"jisung went beside jaemin and held his hands. "hyung, i'm pretty sure chenle didn't mean to hurt you—"

"so you're siding with him?"jaemin whispered as he let go of jisung's hands. jisung had his eyes widen and went on defense mode.

"NO! i'm not siding with chenle other than you! you're my hyung"

jaemin let out a sigh as he stood up and gather his things, "look sungie, if you need me i'm gonna be at home"

and this is the first time jaemin purposely went and cut classes. and jisung is left with tears falling out of his eyes knowing someone he likes is probably not wanting him in his life anymore.

that's it for now lol, i'll try posting tmr or idk i hope u like this chap <3 would appreciate it if u vote for svt, nct 127 and dream, enhypen and aespa for mama also<3

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