💮🌹Madeleine x Espresso🌹💮

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This is a 2 part chapter, first part fluff, second part smut, if you're uncomfortable there will be a warning before the smut. Enjoy~

Sleepytime madness

nobody's POV

The average day for Espresso Cookie would be not waking up, making sure everything is neat and organized, working at Parfeadia before heading home to not sleep.

That's his problem, he works too much and never sleeps, sleep isn't on his schedule and he'll happily shut you down if you try to convince him to sleep. That's where Madeleine Cookie comes in, Espresso and Madeleine's relationship is uncertain...they aren't friends but argue like a married couple, they claim that they are enemies but no one died yet, cookies who ship them believe that something could happen between them but the likelihoods of that happening are low...until today.

"God damn it," said Espresso Cookie, tired as usual, getting angry because one of his spells didn't work

Madeleine Cookie watches from the sidelines, not understanding anything...

Madeleine usually spends his mornings patrolling and his nights sleeping but he rather spends his nights trying to get Espresso to sleep, the man just works all day with no break and that can be overwhelming on any cookie. But to not get yelled at by a Starbucks drink, he respectively watches him work until he's done.

Although it's awkward because Madeleine can't help with anything, he still finds it fascinating to watch him work.

Madeleines POV

"So...how long is this going to take?"

"As long as I want it to." Espresso scoffs

"But you've been at this for over an hour now! I just don't see why you can't do this tomorrow."

Espresso sighs as he waltzes around the room looking for something

"Time is money Madeleine, and time is short-"

Espresso is quickly cut off as I pick him up and begin to head upstairs

"H-hey!? What are you doing! Put me down"

"Noooooo~ I'm tired of waiting~"

I whine, my body can't take any more sitting still. I'm surprised I'm able to pick him up and I'm not dead yet, he must be really tired...

Finally, I make it to his room kicking the door open with my leg and closing it in the same fashion, softy placing him on the bed. (not yet guys 😏)


He looked pissed but tired as well, like an angry cat how adorable~

"You are going to sleep and I'm not leaving until you do!"

"Ughh why do you have to be a pest in my side..."

He tried to punch me but since he's weak it was only a slight tap

"Awww look, you can't even hurt me properly~"

"How dare you ridicule me you, imbecile..."



He stayed silent...

"Espresso please, just take a quick nap...please all I ask is just 3 hours of sleep"

"Nngh- *sigh* FINE...just...wake me up...when 3 hours have passed..."


Once Espresso looked like he had fallen asleep I started to slowly leave the room

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