🌧Licorice x Espresso 🌧

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Part 1

I'm planning on doing 2 more in one day...if not, expect to see Espresso x Licorice backstory and Espresso Madeleine backstory...it may change the way you see the three of them...

Anyways hope you enjoy some sad hours.




Even after breaking up, there are still rules to be followed...What happens when espresso breaks the most important one...

This is angst to expect to see


N-Word (Espresso is black. And don't worry, I'm a black content creator, I was born with the N-word pass, but if you're uncomfortable he only says it once.)

Some fluff



It was a good day. Today was a clear sky over the kingdom, birds chirping, flowers are blooming.

On days like this...people like me




Should go on a walk. It's probably been a while since I've done anything with Madeleine since I'm so busy...Madeline and I decided to walk where a newly built park was. Our day was lovely and everything went perfectly.

I woke up in the morning with a slight headache however, Madeleine was to the right of me cuddled up next to me. He was so adorable, it hurt to leave. I got up, got on some formal attire like always. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water, though the headache remained. It was getting annoying pretty quickly...I figured I'd go out on a morning walk, I can't work with a headache after all. I wrote a note that I'd be back for Madeleine.

The cold morning breeze hit my face. Most cookies were working or sleeping this early so I wouldn't be bothered on my walk.

Little did I know I'd be oh-so-wrong.

I found a bench near a pond to sit and relax. I sit, crossing my legs over each other, taking in a deep breath. My headache was nearly gone by this point until...

"Hello, long time no see."

Great, I thought I wouldn't be bothered. I try not to groan as I turn to meet this mysterious person. Their voice sounded familiar and by the time I look up my theory was right...

"Hello, Licorice...what brings you here," I say through a forced grin.

Seriously, what IS he doing here? I thought he left the face of the earth a Long time ago.

"Look, we need to talk..." He said.

There is no way in hell he's asking to get back together...

*"sigh"* "look..."

He took a seat next to me, I scooted back a few hundred feet, unnoticed by him.

"After, we...Separated, we made a few rules...Remember them?" He said in a stern voice.

"Oh yeah those, what about'em," I questioned.

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