🌹pomegranate x reader🌹

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Pomegranate x Shrinemaiden(Fem) reader

Lesbian (Girl on Girl) if that isn't something that interests you, move to another chapter.

Smut. If you are uncomfortable with this...Then why are you even reading this book? this book is 98% smut 💀

Tags: (Manipulation, fingering, hair pulling, slapping, pussy eating, slight toxicity, reunion, outside, angry fuck, enemies to lovers, degradation, thigh grinding, reader is referred to as you, your, you're)

Full bloom


Things were silent aside from the swaying leaves and crickets chirping.

You were watering flowers. You were one of the few shrine maidens that were tending to the holy Sakura during the night.

Though she was old with age, the blossoms sprouted with vibrant beauty. Dark interwoven bark twirled skyward into the air. Its outstretched arms carried its beautiful bouquet of Sakura blossoms.

You quietly attended to your work. Soft streams of water graced the flowers leaving glimmers of dew on them. Finished with this task, you walked towards the gates of the shrine.

As you walk, you bow respectfully towards a passing elder Shrinemaiden. She nods back politely, walking pass you in silence. You pick up a tiny three-forked pitch from the neighboring shed.

You bend down on your knees, using the fork to gently even out the lines within the sand garden. You gracefully make intricate lines and circles in the sand. You place small pebbles and other decorum gently on the sand.

When you finish, you stand up and look at you work. Your knees are slightly hurt from sitting on the stone ground. You take the pitchfork, carrying it into the shed.

You place the fork on a rack, quietly closing the shed doors. Reaching for your pockets, the soft jingling of the black keys are heard as you lock the shed doors firm in place.

You let a relived sigh. Your chores are over. Before you leave, you want to pray to the holy Sakura for your safety before you travel home for the night.

As you take a step back, your eyes widen.

'Someone has infiltrated the holy grounds!'

You speculation comes from the evidence in the garden.

The sand garden you just worked on had been ruined. The stones had been kicked and the sand was meshed and steeped outside of its box.

It was of no animal, that was for certain. Human footprints tracked sand leading towards the Sakura.

'If someone wanted to be sneaky, they could've easily slipped past me and wouldn't have bothered to leave this evidence. Who ever did this, they did it purposefully!!!'

You rush to the holy grounds, you frantically look around for any signs of the perpetrator.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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