🌹Earl grey x reader🌹

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Thanks to ringolcve for the Idea here's a badge 💠!



Earl finds a little bookworm and gives them their greatest fantasy...

Smut 🌹


Light degradation

Praise kink

I tried to make this for both genders but got carried away, so if you see something implying gender please let me know, I want to make this gender-neutral for all my readers 🤗


It was such a quiet day in the manor, the cozy morning light shuns between the thin curtains that danced across the windows. The beautiful harmonized melody of the blueberry birds tweets and chirps. Not a soul at this hour of the day is awake yet...except, of course, Y/N. They recently booked a stay at the manor for a couple of days. Every morning, Y/N would wake up before anyone else to sneak away into the library to read a book.

Little did they know that someone else would also be up at this hour. Earl Grey was the head of the staff, he made sure things went smoothly and worked properly. For this, he would also have to get up super early in the morning to clean what needs to be cleaned. At first, Earl had no idea of Y/N's whereabouts in the morning, until one faithful morning when he saw them. He followed them to see where they were heading, only to find them reading the same book in the library each time.

The book was a big and heavy one, it looked ancient. Any color that was once on there was now Brown and copper-like due to time. Yet Y/N looked determined to read this book front n' back. Though the dust and dirt stains triggered Earl greatly, he couldn't help but be in awe with Y/N determination ✨(wink wink,)

There were some days where Earl couldn't focus due to your lovely features. The way your lips slightly part when you read, lightly mumbling the words as you read. Your eyes never left the page as you glanced over it, slowly blinking your eyes, almost seductively. The way you shifted and squirmed in your seat every once in a while.

You were making it harder...T-TO DO CHORES yeah- definitely! (😗) but still, he never really gets a break around the manor, and although he can, he rather not. But whenever he sees you, you make him feel things he shouldn't...you're just a guest after all, and you're about to leave in a few days anyway...but he needs you, at least to talk or hang out.


*Sigh* there they go again, walking down the hall making a perfect curve towards the library. I don't want to seem like a stalker but every day they lock themselves in that room, isolated unless they need food. They are so invested in that book, I wouldn't want to be a pest and bother them. It's quite amusing to know that they haven't noticed me yet, just so drawn to that book...I have an idea!

The afternoon came by quickly. As the guest was called down to eat, I snuck upstairs to the library to fetch the book. I examined it first, feeling the texture of the book cover. It was leather, coated with a plastic protector, taking out a wet rag I quickly wiped away dust particles and grime. The book cover shined brand new, revealing hidden colors underneath. I then opened the book to examine the pages. Surprisingly Intact and in perfect condition!

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