💮🌹yourgurt cream x lilac🌹💮

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She's here she's there she's everywhere~

Who gonna call?

Physic friend backindahood

She sometimes dis-a-ppears for a year~

than reeee-appears like she-was never here~

Cuz~ she's here she's there she's everywhere

Who you gonna call?

Physic friend backindahood

Oooh~ noth-ing rhymes with hood~

But I-dont think it should~...


She's here she's there she's everywhere~

Who ya gonna call?

Physic friend backindahood~

Sheeesss here shesss there she's everywhere~

who you gonna call?

Physic friend backindahood!

Hey that's me :3

Also-also... I'm now doing stories based on music themes...the song selected today is




Song= Doja cat: STREETS :

(It's recommended to listen to the song while reading)



In which Yogurt can't stop having fantasies about Lilac ~ °. • * ★


I lay in my bed, it's 8:30 PM. I tussle in my sheets trying to find that comfortable spot...but no matter how much I twist and turn, I'm uncomfortable. I lay flat on my back staring at my ceiling. 'It's way too hot in here,' I say to myself. I turn over to my nightstand. I click on the lamp and waltz around the room. I walk over to my balcony and open the large window doors.

Standing outside, I feel the cool breeze of Yogurtita pass through my hair. I take in a deep breath and rest my hands on the railing. The cold Blue Moonlighting illuminated most of the land. Cookie houses in the distance slowly dim as people get ready for sleep. I look up at the moon above me, the bright light reflecting off of it lights up my features. For whatever reason, I can't sleep like a curse is plaguing my slumber. My bed becomes heated which prevents me from resting, and thoughts of nothingness awaken me.

I turn to the back room, only to nearly fall off the balcony railing in surprise. There stood a man, my bodyguard, Lilac.

"Holy Krispy Cream! You scared me!" I whisper shout.

He bows apologetically, his shawl whirling in the wind. "Apologies my liege, I couldn't help but notice you've been having trouble sleeping these few days, so I made you some oolong tea to help calm your nerves." I look towards his hands to see a small cup, steaming with tea. I, however, politely decline his offer and decided to return to bed myself.


Lilac POV


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