🏵 esspresso x sleep 🏵

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crackfic taken seriously


Espresso has to fight his worst demon...

This is a short fix

(Slight Madeleine x Espresso fluff towards the end)

Espresso POV

"Ok, we can do this...just close your eyes..."

It's hard to fall asleep when not only does your bloodline stem from coffee origins...but you're a pristine coffee scientist who has a favorable reputation to uphold.

Despite this, my boyfriend bickers me about how I, at least, need 8-10 hours worth of sleep and I barely cut in at 2 hours.

So here I am in my room, twiddling my thumbs as I wait for sleep to overtake me.

I groan as the silence makes me feel confined to my room. Ticks and drips of water and clocks turning my mind ragged with every passing second. Perhaps it would be best to spend my time doing else work.

Besides...there are so many hours in a day, and we spend most of them on this degrading mop called sleep.

I shift out of bed, my feet meeting with fuzzy slippers. I waltz towards my office in its own separate room from mine.

Leaning against the door frame, I whine in disbelief as my office is completely empty, with a small note on my desk that reads..." go to bed." -love your light knight ♥~

It's hard not to love him in these moments, and on the other hand, hate him. I just hope he hasn't crumpled any documents of importance...

I make my way into the kitchen thinking there's some other way or thing I can work on.

Leaning against my kitchen island, with my hands cupping the sides of my forehead I began to think. I figured I'd just eat something...eating can help mellow out my caffeine intake for the day and may help me sleep better.

As I look up I'm met with a black shadowy figure. Startled, I dart back, facing the figure, I soon realize who...rather- what the familiar image is...

With sleep deprivation comes paranoia and hallucinations.
It's inevitable for many living creatures. However, I take caffeine pills I specifically designed myself as a way to stay awake longer and avoid hallucinations.

I carefully open my cabinet to see a note.

"Not so fast! Get some rest"

-Madeline your light knight ♥~

Ok...now I REALLY hate him!

Suddenly, more black patches cloud my vision. I quickly rush over to my kitchen sink to splash water onto myself.

I blink twice and the hallucinations are gone...or at least faded...

I sigh in defeat, knowing they'll just return... it's better to let it consume me...than to potentially wound up being crazy and fatigued...or worse injured again...

When some time passes and the splotches of darkness cloud my vision, I close my eyes and find myself never being able to open them.




I wake up due to the glorious rays of light that spear into my eyelids. Shifting in place I feel a soft fabric with a rather silky texture on my back. And looking toward my dresser, I see a rather familiar heavy sword propped against it.

Suddenly, I feel a hand press lightly on my bangs to move them, scattering them elsewhere from my face. I meet eyes with the one and only "light knight" that gave me troubles at last night's expense.

I grumble, folding his cape over me to shut my eyes from both the sun and his radiant gaze.

"Looks like someone slept well, miss me~" he smooched, I just sigh in annoyance at his chipperness this early in the morning.

"You just arrived?" I reply. "Yea, the mission was over pretty quickly, the team I was placed on worked really well together!" He beamed.

He leans over to the bedside table to place a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

I look at him in confusion...this has to be some sort of trick considering how much he nagged me about sleep the other day. "You can have it, besides...you'd kill me if I pushed on a day longer"...well he wasn't wrong.

Slowly sitting myself up, I take the hot brew carefully into my hands before taking a test sip. I smile softly at the accuracy 'he knows me well...' I think to myself.

We spend the morning thinking about our plans to spend the day and whatnot.

Maybe sleep isn't so bad if it means I spend my mornings like this...




(Future editing me approves of this story :D)

Short 754 words

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