🌹lilac x yougurt cream🌹

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Smut 🌹

Masquerade ball


In which a drunk Yogurt goes to a ballroom party

Lilac POV

It was the Greek yogurt's hall anniversary. Every few years, people gather under the moonlight radiating from the palace's glass roof dome.

Here people play music, pass drinks, and mask themselves. Apparently, it's a tradition based on the true story of the assassination attempt on the king.  The King and his servants bedecked themselves in godly-like outfits, over the top and Drag worthy.  This confused the assassin and thus he was unable to go on with his hit...and that is why we come here to celebrate it...


Because standing not too far from me was my target...and despite being dressed up and masked...his distinctive turban made him stand out like a sore thumb.

Either the assassin of legend was blind or foolish...

Though I don't believe I'll be able to carry out my hit...too many people and all eyes are on him...as a powerful merchant, many people take their time to spike up a conversation with him.

Many of my exits are blocked by crowds and groups of chattering businessmen...making it hard for a clean getaway.

Yet I still feel a pair of harsh daggers from my employer on the other side of the room... I sigh, making my way over to the young prince.  While on duty I am a bodyguard first, and an assassin second.

Unexpectedly, I'm tapped on the shoulder by one of the guests, she's a tall slender figured woman, with soft locks of creamy yellow hair swaying from one side of her.

"Hey, you butler boy~ be a dear and hand me a drink from the stand over there~" she spoke in a slow sultry voice.

Just as I was about to interrupt her statement, I'm pushed by a bulker man who trying to step in front of me to talk to yogurt.

I itch toward my chakrams at my side, before deeply inhaling telling myself that killing him right then and there would cause a huge commotion.

'Might as well I do as she asks...the drink stand isn't too far away...'

While it's not far at all, I do have to push through a sea of people...

This...This is why I don't like social gatherings...

After a minute of pushing Through the crowds and back, I manage to grab her a nice wine beverage.  As I return, I see her propped up on Yogurt's lap. He seems dazed likely to the alcohol he had before this gathering.  She had one hand wrapped around his back, the other extending to grab the drink from my hand.

"Thank you, pretty boy, ~" she comments.

I watch as she takes a slight sip of her drink, her hand waving suspiciously abound the glass before she offers Yogurt a sip. At that moment I hastily kick the glass out of her hand, the glass flying up into the air...I then catch it without a single drop being spilled... (because of logic) her mouth agape.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't allow any drinks to be offered to the prince without being properly examined by me," I stated.  

"Hmph" she announced in annoyance as she stomped her way past me, glaring at me as she left. It was then I saw the glimpse of those familiar minty green eyes...

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