💮🌹Espresso x Madeleine cookie🌹💮

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There will be fluff and NSFW so read with caution

*Honestly, I've kinda been out of it because I've been getting hate for most of my books...and I don't care, but, my books are mainly private texts from people telling me to write to their fantasy content.

And since this is a non-judge zone...of course I write what they want...sure some people may not agree with the ships for their reasons, but they could always read a different chapter or a different book*

Sorry for the vent you may continue the book

Warm Autumn leaves


Madeleine wants to get his grumpy boyfriend out of the house for once •

and they decide to do some fall activities •

> fluff, cuddles, kisses, and a bit of sass

Madeleines P0V









I don't know how long I've been sitting here, a once comfy choco chair now melting from my boredom radiating on it.

My boyfriend awkwardly pranced around the room for the 53rd time today thinking he would be a better person coming back to his problem.

I sheepishly just watch him work giving him a few pointers here and there to help him out. At this rate, he's just going to get angry and then quit what he's doing so I make an offer to take his mind off of it.



"Oh come on, you act like the world is gonna end if you step out!" I say in protest of my proposal.

"Bae *sigh* you know I don't go out at this time of year." He says, not facing me as he returned to his work.

"Look, Halloween is in a few days from now, I get it...But we can still do the other stuff till then!" Espresso HATES fall season, for whatever reason his allergies act up this time of year and he hates trick or treaters more than anything!

"I'll do anything but go near those diabetic gremlins," Espresso said, referring to children.

"I don't understand why you hate kids so much" I huff

" *sigh* I don't hate kids, I just hate the fact that they are annoying and hyper and completely unpredictable!"

"Kinda like-"

"Zip it!" He whisper-shouted causing me to do as asked.

"*sigh* plus I need to perfect this spell and I simply don't have time for anything else..." his voice growing low laced with sadness

I walk over to him and wrap my hands around his waist from behind causing him to drop his chalk in shock.

I then grab his hand raising it to caress my cheek as I lofty rock him back n' forth. I slowly turn him around to face me, using my finger to tilt his head up to face me.

"Just one night...pwease~," I said making the cutest faces I could muster. Espresso had very few weaknesses but when I met him I could never think puppy dog eyes were one of them.

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