💮🌹Herb x sparkling cookie🌹💮

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A penny or a gem?


Herb and sparkling make a bet...


Hugs n' kisses



It was a regular day in Sparkling Cookies bar. Glasses clinking in celebration, The smells of whisky and booze, and Sparkling with an ever-loving smile. Cookies from far and wide come to have a nice drink at this bar. One regular in particular, visits for different reasons. This cookie is Herb cookie.

Could it be for the delivery of plants for the bar, or his crush for the man in the bar? Perhaps it's both, whatever the reason, Herb takes a deep breath before entering the bar. It's quite late, the bar dimly lit. It only holds two customers, Vampire cookie, and his sister dragging his drunk ass out. Herb, wheelbarrow in hand walks up to the bar counter.

"Good afternoon Sparky!" Said, Herb

Sparkling peeks his head above the counter.

"Ah, Herb! Good afternoon! Have you got The ferns I ordered?"

"Mhmm! Right here!" Herb takes a package from his little wheelbarrow and places it on the counter.

"Thanks, Herb you're the best!" Sparkling Cookie opens the package and takes out a potted fern then places it to a nearby window.

"No problem, just make sure to call me whenever they need some water, they die too quickly," Herb said with a pout.

"Apologies, I'll make sure to call you more often," Sparkling said with a smile.

Herb takes his now empty wheelbarrow, preparing to leave.

"Oh Herb, care for a drink?" Said sparkling.

Herb pondered on the question before sitting on a barstool.

Sparkling smiled before taking out a glass and a canteen.

"Tea or juice?"

"...how about some liquor"

"Really? Thought you weren't an alcohol person?" Said sparkling.

Herb shrugged his shoulders "eh, had a busy day."

Sparkling stares at herb for a good five seconds before making his drink.
Sparkling adds liquor to one side of the cup then he adds lime soda on the other. Then shakes it before pouring it in a cup, topping it with a lemon slice and ice. Both herb and sparkling both enjoyed their drinks. They both talked and chatted for hours.

They both were only slightly drunk before sparkling suggested something.

"Hey, Herb, heads or tails?"


"Heads or tails?"

"Heads or tails for what?" Said herb

"Just heads or tails."

"Fine...erm t-tails?"

Sparkling smiled widely as he took out a penny.

"If this lands on heads, I have to tell you a secret...If it lands on tails you have to tell me a secret~"

Herb was a little taken back by this request but a game would be a nice way to pass the time. "Ok, game on."

Sparkling flips the coin and it lands on tails...

"Ok come on, what's ya secret"

Herb fiddled in his chair, thinking about a secret he had. What DID he have to keep secret? Herb talked about the one time he was hanging out with Kumiho-Cookie and found out she's a marshmallow fox

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