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Chapter Thirty-Two


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Fuck. I swear, this goddess is going to be the death of me. My chest heaves up and down as I slam the car door closed. She is so fucking dense sometimes. Do I look like I snore? No.

"Adrian—" I get cut off as Caleb rushes after Adrian. Sighing, I reach inside the back of my car and pull out my AK-47, checking to make sure it's fully loaded.

Slamming my trunk closed, I roll my eyes as Caleb drags a pouting Adrian out of the rusty building. My ears latch onto the familiar voice which is now laced with terror, a slight rasp croaking from the back of her throat.

"That wasn't a part of the deal!"

I waltz into the building, holding the AK-47 up and look around, noticing Alana first. Her arms are held behind her back, her hair messy, and I can't help but watch as her sweater lifts up, revealing her taut bra-clad breasts.

"Fucking hell.." I mutter as the man that held her arms is flipped over her back.

Pointing the gun at the man on the ground, I pull the trigger and only let it fire once, my eyes blinking silently as my arm jolts ever so slightly. Then, my eyes travel up and my heart stops. The twins, only one month old, have guns held to their heads.

"Give them to me now!" I shout in anger and start speed-walking over to the pair of Agents. Realizing who I am, they tense up and start to hesitantly move towards me.

Alana gasps and rushes forwards as a gun fires, probably from Elliot, yup, from Elliot, shooting the long haired assassin. Alana lands on her exposed stomach and hisses as she grabs Anastasia up in her arms. She rolls over and I tense as I notice a fallen knife plunged into her thigh.

Fighting against the strong urge I have to run to her and help, I turn to Elliot who smiles a big, yellow-toothed smile.


Holding my gun up, I shoot him in the leg and watch as he screams, falling to the ground. Slowly, I walk towards him with a grin on my face and place the gun under his chin.

"Turn the babies around." I order.

Caleb who has been hiding in the corner, rushes towards Alana and helps her up before punching the last Agent in his face, grabbing Axel on the way.

"Oops?" I question and tilt his head, admiring the way fear slivers through his eyes. "Well," I sigh and place the gun under his chin again. "Oops." Pulling the trigger, I close my eyes as blood splatters across my face.

Opening my lids, I smirk as half of his face slowly rolls off of his skull, leaving me with the view of what I assume is his brain. Suddenly, a group of assassins crowd around us and I am left bored. Lifting my AK-47 up, I hold the trigger down and spin in a circle, stopping just when I reach Alana's crystal eyes.

"That was a shit show." I yawn and walk towards Alana and Caleb, lifting Alana in bridal, placing a lingering kiss on her forehead. Looking at my children, I wink at Anastasia as her little head lifts up and she glances around for a moment, not a hint of fear portraying in her brown and blue eyes. "Let's go."

I carry Alana to my car and place her in the front, Caleb strapping the twins in the back. Once Caleb heads to the car where Adrian sits, still pouting, I turn towards Alana and grasp her chin. I stare at her lips for a moment before dipping in to kiss her, silencing her groan of pain. A smile threatens to form on my lips as she sighs against me, her hand coming up to dig into my hair.

"God, I love you.." I groan against her plump lips and go to slip my tongue into her mouth but she pulls away, her hands remaining in my hair. "What?"

She pants and takes a deep breath, licking her lips. "You do?"

"I do what?" I retort and look at her weirdly.

She stares at me blankly for a moment before releasing a hand from my hair and smacking me under my chin. I wince and hold my jaw. "What was that for?"

Her confusion turns into a smug look as she tilts her head, bringing it closer to mine. I pull back slightly as she comes towards me, mouth agape, and a hidden smile.

"God, I love you..." she mocks in a deep voice. "Damn shawty. We gonna get married one day 'n shit. Yeah?"

My palm is placed on her forehead as she licks my upper lip in a very awkward way, and pushes her away. "Fuck."


We stare at each other in silence for a moment and I look at this crazy lady, completely ignoring the huge ass wound in her leg, and staring at me instead, her fingers tracing my jawline.

"Do you?" she whispers with hesitance.

"I mean," I clear my throat, tilting my head. "yeah. Yeah, shawty, I do."

She tosses her head back and lets the goofiest laugh out before putting a straight face on, looking me dead in the eyes. "Aye lil' momma, shawty loves you. Right Papi?" my eyes widen as her eyes land on my crotch.

"Alright, let's get you home." I sigh and start the car.

Silence surrounds us for a few moments and Alana reaches over, her pinky wrapping around mine with innocence. A smile forms on my face as I pull her hand over to me, kissing her knuckles and enveloping her hand in mine.

The drive home isn't as long as it seemed it should have been and by the time we arrive, I drive over a couple dead bodies and the babies are asleep. Alana yawns and winces every now and then as the sun blinds in her eyes.

Emily rushes out in a robe and a towel on her head to grab the twins as I take Alana to my office. Setting her on my desk, I reach in my drawers and stand between her legs.

"Hey! I like these—" She gasps as I start cutting them with scissors, a look of horror forming on her scrunched up features. I stare at her bare bottom half for a moment before focusing on more important things.

Ignoring her, I tear them off of her and look at the knife. Well shit. Grabbing onto it, I glance at her and yank it out, eliciting a yelp from her. She leans forward and groans, biting my shoulder. Immediately, I grab gauze and place it on the wound, making sure she doesn't bleed out. I proceed to clean the wound with rubbing alcohol, resulting in me getting multiple glares from Grumpy Pants, and stitch it up. Not knowing what to do about her being half naked, I take my sweat pants off and place them on her.

Once I'm done, I pick her up, her legs wrapped around my waist, and carry her to my room, placing her on my bed. Although we didn't get much sleep, I crawl into bed next to her, after getting her a pair of my boxers, and we both sit wide awake—my fingertips rolling up and down her back, her legs draped over my torso, my head buried in the nape of her neck, her in mine, and our shallow breaths evening.

"Are you okay?" I question after a moment.

Feeling her stiffen against me, I hold her tighter and wait. Then it comes. Her grip turns into a vice one as she pulls me closer. I close my eyes in emotional pain as my neck soon becomes damp with her warm tears.

"I'm here for you." I whisper.

I will always be.

Sorry about the short chapter. It is hard for me to come  up with things to say when it comes to Daddy Luca.

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