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Chapter Four

I roll my stiff neck, a groan escaping from my chapped lips

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I roll my stiff neck, a groan escaping from my chapped lips. My arms feel heavy.

Too heavy.

I go to move them when a rattling sounds. My eyes finally creak open to reveal a dimply lit cell. I clench my jaw and tug my arms downwards.

"Oh, you fucker." I grumble and crane my neck up.

I sit on the cold, wet floor of a bloody cell, my arms chained to the ceiling above me. The more I pull on them, the tighter they get.

It is some sort of system so that when I tug on them, they go higher and higher.

"It is a newer contraption. I have yet to use it until now." a deep Italian voice hums from the corner of the cell.

I whip my head in that direction, trying to ignore the dull ache that throbs in my neck. A large figure walks towards me and it is then that I notice it is Luca.

Once again, I go to move my arms but the chains tighten. My body jolts up a bit as I am pulled into a sitting position, my dress riding up a bit.

I glare at him. "Well it seems to be working quite well, bastardo."

"Yes it does, puta."

I jump up, wobbling slightly at the unfamiliar weight on my ankles. Being in heels doesn't help as I fall to my knees, kneeing in front of him.

My head is facing the ground when I see a knife in front of me. The tip of the blade is gently placed under my chin and pushed until I wince and pull my head up the look at Luca.

My black hair lays messily around my face as I glare millions of tiny razor blades at Luca.

"Such a pretty face." he muses as he runs the switch blade along my face, making sure I don't get cut.

Luca then frowns, turning the blade to the sharp side. "Yet, such a bad attitude."

The blade trails along my left cheek bone as he stares at it dreamily. Blood drips down my cheek and slowly rolls down my chest, drawing his attention.

He looks up after a moment and smirks, bringing his face closer to mine.

"Mind if I fix it?"

I spit in his face.

Like a fucking llama.

"You can take my attitude and go fuck yourself with it." I growl at him.

He drops his head, an unamused chuckle emitting from his throat. My chest heaves up and down lightly as he lifts his face up, his hot gaze meeting mine.

Suddenly, his hand is around my throat and I am pushed up against the wall. He shakes his head, his hand tightening around my throat as he brings me to a standing position.

"Kinky." I choke out, sending him a smirk.

He sucks his teeth, his eyebrows raising as he nods his head. I wrap my leg around his waist, bringing him close to me.

Luca stiffens for a moment, unsure of my intentions and loosening his grip on my throat.

"Now, that is no way to treat a lady, is it now? Bastardo." I grin at him.

My knee comes up, nailing him in the beloved jewels. He jumps back slightly, holding his crotch with a stone cold face.

I bring my heel up and kick him in the gut. He staggers back a bit before glaring at me. I notice him going to move to me but a voice calling him outside of the cell stops him.

"Luca, get your ass out here!" a male voice shouts.

A smirk forms on my dirty face as he walks out of the cell. Once his footsteps are no longer heard, I slam my heel on the ground, breaking it.

I then kick my heels off and pick the broken piece up with my foot.

Creative, I know.

Somehow, I manage to get it with my teeth and stand on my tip toes, making sure not to move the chains.

A small splinter from the broken heel seems to do the job seeing as the chains let go of my wrists. I fall to the ground from the sudden weight of my arms and stay there until I can stand.

I use the same little splinter to unlock the cell door. My smile hurts my cheeks as the cell door flies open.

Chuckling, I walk down the long hall until I see another door. The door leads to a long stairway that is poorly lit.

I jog up the stairs and kick the door open. Another hall is revealed but it has wooden floors.

A smirk forms on my face as I skip down a hall, eventually reaching a living room.

"Hola." I smile and hold my hands behind my back.

I am sure I look like a sociopath right now.

Blood dripping down my cheek. Tattered red dress. Scraped knees. Messy hair.

But I really don't give a fuck.

My held hands are suddenly grabbed behind my back and I groan.

I swing my foot back, and knock the person off of their feet. They bring me to the ground with them, causing me to fall on top of them.

I swiftly roll off of them, grabbing the gun in their waist band on the way. Holding the gun up to the ceiling, I fire it two times before pointing it at Luca.

"I will not hesitate to shoot if one of you makes a move." I annouce.

A blonde boy bites his fist and looks at Luca, holding back a laugh.

"Shut the fuck up, Caleb." Luca snaps at the boy.

I hear the person behind me shift and blindly point the gun down, shooting their leg. A cry is heard before footsteps.

"Thomas!" a female voice shouts before I duck.

A lamp is thrown over my head and hits another random male in the room. Someone jumps on my back and wraps their arms around my throat.


I grab the persons arms and flip them over my head. A girl lands on her back in front of me and I quickly move around, putting her is a loose choke hold.

She glares at me and I break out into a smile.

"I like you."

The girls face morphs into confusion as she looks behind me at Luca.

"I like you. Can we keep her, Luca?" I hear Caleb say.

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