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Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

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My legs.

They are so fucking heavy.

I limp my way through the empty streets, the sound of my tattered shoes clapping against the ground echoing loudly.

My skin crawls with disgust.

How could I let something like that happen to me? How could I let someone touch me in such a way?

A way that has stripped me of any innocence I could ever have.

"No." I whisper, tears streaming down my face.

My chest constricts painfully as I hiccup and sob. I clutch my torn shirt and try to release the pain but it seems to stay.

Locked away with a key that has been destroyed a long, long time ago.

I stumble upon a worn out building that seems to be holding on by a thread. Something about this building reminds me of myself.

I find comfort in the rotting wood as it invites me with open arms, telling me that it is okay. That I am safe here.

My knees scrape against the rotting wood as I drop to my knees, pain coursing through every cell of my body.

I take in a harsh, shuddering breath that seems to shake my whole body before I collapse. My hands grip my shirt tighter and tighter and tighter as I try to breathe.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I lift my head up towards the ceiling and scream.

A good, long, blood-curtling scream.

Suddenly, I am in my room. A room oh so familiar.

I am wearing a cotton t-shirt and my favorite fuzzy socks. Tears of joy fill my eyes as I rush out of bed, the pain from before non-existent.

My feet slip and slide against the tiled floors as I rush into the small kitchen of my old apartment.

There she is.

"Another dream?" she whispers softly in her comforting British accent, setting the pan down and turning around to look at me.

She has always been so sweet. Always. No matter what.

And patient.

And most of all, my first love. The love of my fucking life.

Jezebel Anne Miller.

"No." I mumble as I open my eyes.

"No, no, no, no, no."

It couldn't have been a dream. It isn't a dream and I refuse to believe that.

"It was a dream, babe. I'm sorry." whispers a groggy Adrian next to me.

I whip my head to him before shaking my head and jumping out of bed. My fingers run harshly through my hair as I rush to the unfamiliar bathroom.

I splash cold water on my face as the horrid, harsh reality comes crashing down on me. My knees feel weak.

It feels like that day all over again.

Adrian walks into the bathroom behind me and sends me an apologetic smile. I turn around, wrapping my arms as tight as I can around his torso.

"It's not fair." I whisper.

Adrian strokes my hair softly. "I know, honey. I know."

I pull back after a moment and smile. "Thanks."

Adrian returns my smile and ruffles my hair. I frown and sigh.

Putting on a smile is proving to be a lot more tiring today.

"Go on. Shoo. You stink." I playfully say to Adrian as I push him out of the bathroom.

Adrian and I decided that we would sleep together in my new room so we could get used to things. Ever since I met him, we have always done new things together.

Separation anxiety things.

"Okay, okay." he frowns and covers his butt as he hops out of my room. "But, I am checking in on you later. Okay?"

I sigh and nod, my fingers gripping the side of the door softly. "Okay."

Adrian winks at me before rushing out of my room. I close the bathroom door, making sure to lock it, and walk towards the shower.

Steam quickly fills up the decent sized bathroom and I strip, my eyes reluctantly traveling to my thighs.

"Dammit." I whisper, my fingers grazing new cuts and old ones.

I shake my head and step into the shower. The hot water burns my back for a moment but I soon get used to it, just for me to lean over and turn it even hotter.

Once I am finished, I head to my closet and search through my clothes.

Luca had Kyle and Caleb go to my old apartment and get Adrian and I's belongings. So last night consisted of me setting up my room and praying my 'boss' didn't call me.

Okay, he payed me like forty thousand per-mission. I am getting around seven hundred thousand from Luca!

I just had to switch teams.

Finally, I decide what I want to wear and slip it on. My fingers run over the baby pink, lace bra before trailing down to my black, mesh leggings.

I decided to wear a black crop top that has a button right in between my breasts, a brown flannel over top, blue jean shorts, black knee high socks, and black combat boots.

The mesh leggings cover up my cuts and right now I am not fully dressed because I am fucking hot.

It is like the Sahara Desert in here.

I walk over to my bed and grab my phone, connecting it to my speaker. My thumb presses shuffle on my favorites playlist and starts playing Stuck On You.

Smiling, I run a hand through my wet hair and start mouthing to the lyrics.

You can shake an apple off and apple tree. Shake-a, shake-a, sugar.

But you'll never shake me

Uh-uh-ah, no sir-ee.

I'm gonna stick like glue. Stick because I'm stuck on you.

Gonna run my fingers through your long black hair. Squeeze you tighter than a grizzly bear.

Uh-uh-ah, yes sir-ee.

I'm gonna stick like glue.

I slide onto my bed and run my hand down my body until it reaches the soft fabric of my comforter.

My wet black hair whips against my neck as I toss my head from side to side, my heels digging into my upper thighs.

Stick because I'm stuck on you.

I point to in front of me and look at the mirror, watching as I hold a 'microphone' up to my mouth.


A clearing of a throat has me whipping my head to see Luca standing in my door way. My eyes widen as I jump behind my bed, glaring at him.

"How long have you been standing there?"

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