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Chapter Twenty-Seven

My bare fists pummel into the punching bag repeatedly, over and over, again and again, until a small trail of blood trickles off of my bruised knuckles and onto the hefty bag

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My bare fists pummel into the punching bag repeatedly, over and over, again and again, until a small trail of blood trickles off of my bruised knuckles and onto the hefty bag. "Fuck!" I grunt out as frustrated tears fill my eyes. My fists pound harder and faster than before. The sound of the gym door opening echoes throughout the gym but I ignore it.

"Alana?" I hear Kyle inquire as his footsteps becoming louder rapidly. "Hey, hey. No, Alana. You're hurting yourself." Arms wrap around my waist and I am pulled into a chest, the faint scent of sweet coffee surrounding me. "What's wrong, darling?"

I turn around and push him away, wiping my tears angrily. "You knew! So don't you dare touch me! Just stay back." A lump, so thick, builds in my throat painfully as Kyle grabs my hand.

"I know what? Darling, what happened?" Kyle gently pulls me to him and rocks us back and forth, the soft padding of our feet being the only sound accompanied by my sniffling.

"Luca." I whisper, "He lied. Emily and Caleb knew as well. They all knew the truth." And the truth was?

"Alana? Alana-" My gaze slowly leaves the yellow envelope, that Luca tried so hard to keep me from seeing, and lands on him. "Shit. Amore, please listen to me-"

"Don't fucking call me that shitty nickname, Luca." I spit out and stand up hastily from his office chair. "You knew! You knew that my whole life was a fucking lie!"

Luca's face drops and he starts to walk to me. "Alana, I didn't do it on purpose. It was a part of your background check when you started working for me. I-I just didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt you."

"Hurt me?" I scoff and shake my head. "Hurt me? You did a lot more than that Luca! You broke my fucking trust! Because-I don't even know!" Tears fill my eyes but I will them to go away, not showing Luca how much I really care.

"I couldn't let you hate me, Alana! At first the secret was out of my annoyance for you but, amore, I care about you. It was just too late and-"

"Too late? Too late as in you had already slept with me and you didn't want to complicate your life even more? Or too late as in you couldn't care less?" My hands shake at my sides in fury but I ball them into tiny fists, shoving them into my pockets.

"Too late as in I already cared about you. Too late as in I got so deep into my fascination of your simple existence that even the mere thought of hurting you, kills me!" he steps forward and cups my face into his hands. "I may have not known you for long, but every day I seem to be falling deeper and deeper down this hole, a beautiful one at that, and that hole is you Alana. I can't get you out of my fucking head and I hate you for that yet I don't because-" His hands drop and reach up to his hair, tugging at the thick strands in stress.

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