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Chapter Eighteen

My head throbs softly as I wake up to the thundering of the rain that has refused to relent since morning

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My head throbs softly as I wake up to the thundering of the rain that has refused to relent since morning. I roll over and pull my phone towards me, wincing painfully at the bright light that emits from the small screen.

1:57 am. My mood drops even more as I realize I won't be able to fall back asleep, especially now that it is officially her death date. Honestly, it is a whole sob story that I don't talk to people about. All Adrian knows is that she died and it broke me. Completely. That it broke me so much that I couldn't handle the pain anymore.

Other than that, he doesn't know much. But Adrian being Adrian, knows not to push and accept that. He knows that my word and feelings are enough proof for him to believe that I wasn't faking and making up this whole act for attention.

I hear the soft creaking of my door and roll my head over, squinting until I can see the large figure of Luca peeking into my room.

"Sorry." he winces. "Did I wake you?" I shake my head and send him a small, tired smile before rolling over on my side to face him. He opens my door fully and walks in. "I haven't been able to sleep and have been checking on you every hour to make sure you don't choke on your own tongue."

I glare at him and pout. "You didn't have to check up on me. Instead, you should be focusing on getting your fat ass to sleep." My words come out mumbled as I sink deeper into the once warm, now cold, sheets, trying to shake off the familiar, heavy feeling of grief that I have to relive once every year.

Luca notices my change in mood from bubbly, goofy, drunk Alana, to moody, depressed, debbie-downer Alana. He frowns slightly and runs a hand through his messy hair before walking over to my bed, pushing me softly yet firmly. "Scooch." he mumbles, causing me to sigh and dramatically roll over.

We sit in silence for a while, both getting used to each others presence and realizing it is not half bad. I hear Luca sigh and close my eyes for a moment, awaiting for the question that I always get every year from Adrian.

"You okay?" he whispers before clearing his throat awkwardly.

I roll my head over to him momentarily then go back to staring at the ceiling, swallowing thickly and very much audibly. "Yeah." I wince when the obvious, apparent lie comes out croaky.

"Liar, liar. Pants on fucking fire, amore." Luca mumbles dryly and scratches his stubble. Trying to change the subject, I reach over and harshly pat his cheek, earning a glare from Luca.

I puff my cheeks out and shake my head in mock shame. "Man. You really need to shave. You're becoming Chewbacca." Luca slaps my hand and turns his glare into a playful one. Wow, who knew Luca could be playful.

"I do not." he says defensively. "It is hardly a stubble and I do not look like Chewbacca." He looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows, his silver eyes shining in the moonlight with mischief, amusement, and a little dash of wit. "Besides, how could he even compare. I'm way hotter than that mammoth."

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