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Chapter Five

"We are not fucking keeping her

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"We are not fucking keeping her." spits out Luca.

Caleb pouts and motions Luca to come towards him. I sit on the girl and glance around me before landing my eyes back on Luca.

"I'm Emily." the girl breathes out, pushing some of her brown hair out of her eyes.

I look at her and smile. "Death."

"I-death?" she looks at me, eyes wide before giving me a smile.

"Okay, okay." Luca groans and turns to me. "Alana?"

I grit my teeth and jump up, my hand wrapping around his throat. "What the fuck?"

His eyes go wide as he looks around at everyone. "Did you guys hear me?"

They all fucking nod.

"Great." he sighs.

My eyes dart back to Caleb and he sends me a grin. I narrow my eyes and glare, my eyes traveling back to Luca once again.

"Al-Death?" he runs a hand through his messy hair.

I roll my eyes in very apparent annoyance, my fingers dinging into Luca's tattooed neck.

"You can use my name, asshole. They already know now."

Luca's jaw ticks as he brings his warm, calloused hand up, clasping it around my wrist and twisting it. My face turns red as I try to not let any pain show.

A jolt of excruciating pain rushes through my wrist and I jump away. "What the fuck? Dude." I mumble, shaking my head.

"Listen." Luca sighs and glances at a grinning Caleb before rolling his eyes and trailing them back to me. I gulp as I stare into his silver eyes, the intensity and coldness towards me making my knees wobbly. "I have a proposition. You can work for me and in return, you keep your life."

I pop my knuckles and fold my fingers together in front of me, popping my left hip out in defiance. "And if I don't work for you?"

He shrugs. "You die."

Now, there is two options here.

Give in and work for him because I want to live. Or, put up a good fucking fight because there is no way I am giving in that easily.

I choose the latter.

My bare feet work silently as I walk towards Luca, each step reeking with mockery and sarcasm. Luca watches as I slide my hands up his chest and wrap my hands behind his neck, intertwining my fingers.

"I die?" I whisper, my head tilting and a soft smirk taking over my face.

He gulps, his eyes glazing over icily. "You die."

I push out my lower lip and let out a 'hmph', nodding my head. Shrugging my shoulders, I tighten my fingers together and pull him towards me, my head colliding with his.

The sound of gun shots has me moving to duck on the ground but Luca has other plans. He grabs my hips and falls to the ground, my body falling on top of his.

I roll off of him and crawl behind the couch just as everything goes silent. The only noise that can be heard is mine and everyone else's labored breathing.

"You sure-" Luca's muffled voice is cut off.

Caleb hums. "Yeah, yeah. I still think it is a good idea."

I wiggle my eyebrows to myself and chuckle when I find a gun laying on the coffee table.

Dumb asses.

My dirty fingers clasp around the handle of the hand gun as I stand up, clicking the safety off. I aim towards Luca but he jumps out of the way, landing where the guy I shot used to be.

"Dammit." I groan as the gun makes a clicking noise a few times.

Arms wrap around my waist causing Luca to smack his forehead. I slam my head back and hunch over, rolling the person over my back.

A freckled guy with brown hair lands on the couch in front of me and groans. I jump on him, my legs on either side of his hips, and go to land a punch at him.

My fist is grabbed and I look up to see Luca. He yanks my arm and pulls me off the other side of the couch, causing me to fall onto the ground with a thud.

"I'm surprised my dress hasn't-Dick!" I cut myself off and dodge to the side, causing Luca's fist to slam into the wooden floors.

I bring my leg up and kick him, my heel digging into his defined back. He lands on his chest, his arms by his side and ready to push him back up.

My knees scrape lightly against the wooden floors as I crawl quickly to get to the gun Luca dropped.

Luca grabs my ankle and yanks me back, emitting a yelp from me. I toss my head back and squeeze my eyes shut before crawling quickly again.

My thigh spazzes for a moment and I let out a soft groan.

"Tear a muscle?" questions Luca in amusement as he stands over me, a gun in hand.

His chest heaves up and down as I glare up at him through my lashes. I push my bottom lip out slightly and blow the raven hair out of my face, only for it to fall back down.

Luca's eyes flutter down to my lips for a moment before his gaze meets mine. I bite my lip and release it, a smirk taking over my face.

"Get a boner?" I mock.

Luca grinds his teeth and tightens his grip on handle of his gun. By this point, I notice Caleb and freckle face sitting on the couch just watching.

Emily and the injured wimp left apparently.

Luca gets on his knees in front of me and grabs my jaw painfully, his nose brushing against mine. I swallow thickly and slowly bring my eyes up to his, my eyes full of nothing but mockery.

"Get up, puta." he grits out.

I pout sarcastically. "Sorry. I don't take orders from anyone. Especially a bastardo."

Luca's hand comes up and slaps me across the face. My head whips to the side as my menacing laughter rings throughout the living room.

I finally calm myself down and look up at Luca. He grits his teeth and tightens his grip on my jaw.

"The pay better be fucking great." I now grit out with a glare on my face.

Caleb laughs. "All of that for this?"

I shrug and push Luca away from me, standing up. My leg pulses in pain but I brush it off and look at Caleb.

"I wasn't submitting without a fight."

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