Chapter 5

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When we board the plane, it's in total silence. I can tell Mike is uncomfortable, but I can't stop thinking about my talk with Erica. She should learn to enjoy her life. If your life is always spent on work, you will not truly live. Catharine's cheerful voice fills the silence. "Hello children! It's a great day to go flying. We will hopefully be in Costa Rica in 5 hours."

I could not help but feel worried. Every other time I have been on a plane with the CIA, something has gone wrong. We have been shot down by a missile, chased by military planes, and had to jump out of helicopters multiple times. So, I have every reason to worry about something going wrong today.

Erica looks and me and says, "I'll stay awake during the flight and watch out for trouble. You should get some sleep."

"Are you sure? You seem tired."

"I can go for four days without sleep. I'm perfectly fine. You on the other hand, probably need at least 9 hours of sleep ever night. Go sleep."

"Thank you. Also, since you will be awake all night, you can think about what I told you."

"Just drop it, Ben. I have made it sixteen years doing this, I am perfectly fine. Just go to sleep."

I walk away before anything gets bad between us. I walk into one of the bedrooms on the plane. It's small and simple. There is a queen-sized bed, and a door to the bathroom. Mike is already in the room getting ready for bed.

"Hey Ben! Do you want to take the bed or sleep on the floor?"

"You can have the bed."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's perfectly fine. Are you worried for the mission?"

"Not really. Things have always turned out perfectly fine."

"Yes, but I've almost died so many times in between."

"But this time we have Catherine and Erica. Plus, we will be on a very nice ocean liner."

"If we get caught, being on a ship in the middle of the ocean is not a good place to be."

"Well then, let's not get caught."

"that's easier said than done."

"Think on the bright side Ben. You could spend time with Erica."

"Yes, but you know, she is all business."

"Ugh, you're being very annoying."

"I'm being practical."

"Just go to bed."

"But Mike!"

"I don't want you to make me not like this. So, go to bed."

With that he climbs into the bed and turns off the lights. I try to stay awake as long as possible, but after 17 minutes and 43 seconds, I start to black out.

I wake up to someone stepping on my face. Mike is above me.

"We're almost here!"

I look outside to see the beautiful blue ocean around Costa Rica. Alexander is slowly lowering the plane down. I can tell we are about 57 minutes away from the airport. Mike and I walk outside to see Catherine making breakfast.

"Good morning children! I made eggs and muffins!"

I take a plate of eggs and grabbed a muffin.

"What type of muffins are they?"

"Banana walnut. One of my favorites. Do you want anything on the eggs?"

"No thanks."

Erica takes a plate of eggs and sits down next to me. "When we land, we will go to the boat. Then we should find Murray."


I take a bite of my muffin. It tastes amazing. "This is delicious Catherine!"

"Thank you, Ben."

"You should have one Erica."

"I don't do carbs, or refined sugars, or saturated fat."

"Ugh, could you just live a normal life for a few minutes."

"And risk my perfect life as a spy? No thanks."

With a sudden jerk, we hit the ground and roll down the runway. Alexander takes us over to the private part of the airport. We get off the plane and walk into the airport. Alexander shows his CIA badge to the people at the gate. Then we walk through to customs. Customs only took a few minutes, though I have never been through customs before. We walk outside and find a car waiting for us outside. Catherine gets into the driver's seat, Erica beside her, Alexander, Mike, and I crammed in the back. Cathreine drives us for almost an hour before I see the water. Even though many people say the first time you see the Caribbean waters, you won't be able to take your eyes off of it, but I barely look at it. That's because my all my attention is on the giant cruise ship in front of us. 

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