Chapter 9

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Catherine is the first to say something. "I guess they knew where we were staying."

Erica, Mike, and I had just changed out of our swimming suits into better spy clothing. Erica is back into her usual black unitard and utility belt. Mike and I are wearing comfortable clothing. I once had a unitard like Erica's, but it is completely ruined by now. We take a good look around the room. Erica looks devastated. She has lost her sister, father, and grandfather on this mission. I start to roam around the room, trying to find some clues. Mike yelps and we all turn towards him. He grabs his foot and starts jumping around the room. He finally makes it to the bed and sits down. There is a nail in his foot. And connected to the nail is another piece of paper. Erica tears the nail out of his foot. Mike yelps again this time cursing slightly. Catherine yells, "Michael!"

Mike looks embarrassed, "sorry. I was not expecting her to literally rip the nail embedded in my foot out!"

Erica starts to read the note, "I thought we told you to stay out of our way. Well now that you're here I guess we can torture you instead. Don't think you will be able to evade us for long. Even Erica is not that good. Well, I'll see you soon."

Mike rolls his eyes, "What's up with this organization and their creepy notes. Can't they just leave us alone?"

Suddenly something hits the top of the boat with a big thud. We all jump back. I start to run out of the room in terror, but Erica swipes my feet out from underneath me. Mike yells, "traitor!" and starts to run towards her. He moves in to punch her and she judo flips him to the ground, while rolling her eyes.

"I'm not a traitor or working for anyone besides the CIA. I'm only saving your butts. I'm guessing whoever we're up against knows we are in this room and wants us to run out of it. They will probably ambush us, and we would all be caught. So therefore, walking out the front door while an evil organization is trying to hunt you down is not the right way to escape. We need another way. Something they won't expect us to do."

I can tell that what she is thinking of is not your normal way to escape. I can tell what we're about to do when Erica climbs onto the bed and jumps up to the grating of the air vents. She kicks it out of the vent and jumps up again, this time pulling herself in.

"Of course. We're crawling through a tiny vent where I'm bound to get claustrophobic with an evil organization running around this boat trying to find us. The best day of my life." Mike grumbles.

Catherine jumps into the vent next. "Well at least we're not in the sewers. Things can always be worse. Look on the bright side. We might be able to find Murray through here and spy on him."

Mike jumps into the vent next, leaving me standing on the floor. I hear voices coming closer down the hall. Erica points to the grating to the vent. Then she points at the edge of the vent. I think she's telling me to put the grating back into the vent to cover our escape. I jump up to the vent but need Erica to pull me inside. I hand the grating over to her and she jimmies it back into place. We start to crawl through the vents. I look down to see lots of agents swarming our other room. They are searching the room for anything that they can use to find us. Luckily, we tried to get rid of anything that would be important. We start crawling through the vents towards other rooms. When we reach the end of the vents, Erica looks both ways and then punches the grating out of the vent. We all climb out and follow Erica to the stairs. We climb down the stairs to the third level. We then get back into the vents. Mike grumbles again about not liking it, but Catherine and Erica don't care. They get back into the vent. Erica glares at everyone, "you better be quiet and don't ruin things like Ben did last time."

Mike laughs, "of course you ruined everything Ben."

Erica only glares at him. "Acting like that will also ruin everything. We need to learn from our mistakes, which Ben does. You do not."

Mike looks hurt but climbs after her. We only go through a few more rooms before we pass a giant suite with Murray in it. He's talking to some guy that's working for him.

"I know that he docked, but that doesn't mean that I won't still be in charge."

The other guy glares back at him, "from what I've heard, you have destroyed lots of SPYDER's missions. Meanwhile he has almost succeeded many times. Therefore, he is the boss, and he will lead. I want my money. I want Operation Shark to succeed."

Erica's eyes go wide. Catherine whispers to her, "what is it?"

"Never mind. I'll explain later. It might not be important at all."

They turn back to the conversation going on below them.

"You might want to be in charge here, but as much as you hate it, people will listen to him more than you."

"But I am awesome. More awesome than him."

"Just shut up Murray. You have made lots of mistakes."

"So has he."

"Did he let the two people we need right now go?"

"Well no. But I will capture them."

"Well then go do it."

"Okay, here I go. I also made everyone be on the lookout for them. How are the prisoners doing?"

"Alexander is reunited with his family. The little girl is still scared, confused, and sad. We've been treating them well though, just like the boss wanted."

"What! Why! We need to torture them. They are horrible."

"Again, he gives me the orders and he specifically told me not to torture them."

"Fine. Well let's go."

We watch as Murray and the other guy walk out of the room. Erica, Catherine, Mike, and I crawl through the vents until we reach the end. We jump out and start walking back to our room. Erica's eyes go wide. I follow her gaze and see a family four feet away from us. They definitely notice us, but don't do anything. I guess they are just normal people on a cruise ship with an evil organization and some CIA agents. Erica looks at me. "We're going to need your help, but I might be able to find out what these people are planning. I think I have an idea what Operation Shark is.

Hello again. Because the next chapter is chapter 10, if we get 10 votes, and ten comments from ten different people, I will do a double post. Again, it has to be done before next Wednesday, so I can write two chapters. If we don't get to that, then I will only post chapter 10. I warn you, it has one of the biggest cliffhangers in the entire book. 


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