Chapter 11

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Joshua Hallal walks out from behind us. Up to this moment, he had been presumed dead, but he was still alive. He seemed to be angry, but also gloating at the same time. Seeing him alive put a few more details into place, enough that I could finally figure out who we were fighting. "So, you're alive, and now leading SPYDER."

Joshua starts to laugh, "It will take a lot more than a fake fall from the Eifel tower. But I'm not leading SPYDER."

I look at him in confusion, "but, Murray was talking about another person, the leader of SPYDER, coming aboard the ship and taking control of the mission. That wasn't you?"

He starts to laugh even harder, "I guess you are not that smart."

"Well, we will find out what you are up to, and stop it again." Erica chimes in.

Joshua turns around to face her. "Oh really. Do you even have a clue what we are doing?"

Erica looks away, proving Joshua's point. "Well, I will explain a few things. Everything I've done is so smart. It would be a shame for you not to appreciate it. But I can't tell you my plan. I've learned from my mistakes. You have been able to beat me one too many times. But this plan is unstoppable! There is no way you will be able to thwart it! Uh what was I trying to say again?"

"You were going to tell us what your "brilliant" plan is." Erica responds sarcastically.

Joshua rolls his eyes, "how stupid do you think I am? Oh, that does remind me of what I was going to tell you though. You were right that I was leading this evil organization. But this isn't SPYDER. This is WLA."

"WLA?" I ask.

"We Love America."

"But haven't you tried to destroy key parts of America? You don't love America."

"Of course, I don't. It just makes it easier to hide when our organization is WLA, not PWWTDATMM."

"People Who Want to Destroy America to Make Money?" Erica asks.

Joshua's mouth gapes. "How did you figure that out so quickly?"

She smirks, "shouldn't you know? I thought you knew I was amazing."

Joshua looks angry. "Fine, I guess you do know some things. But we both know you could do a whole lot more if you were evil."

Erica yells, "Oh just shut up Joshua."

"Just saying. Well, as the new leader of WLA, we have been hiring agents. Let's just say, we are so much better than SPYDER. You know how Murray did business with the Croatoan? Well, that was to get money for our upcoming scheme."

"Yep, and now that is going right on track. There is no stopping us now." Someone says behind me. Murray.

I glare at him, "so now you are joining the party."

He smiles back, "yeah, should I call everyone over here. That would be fun. Let everyone rejoice in our capturing of the wonder twins."

Just as he said that many other people on the ship walk towards us. Erica leaps towards him, trying to escape. Joshua is ready for her. I've never seen them fight, but for some reason Erica stops short. Joshua pins her hands behind her back. He whispers something into her ear, which makes her send another round of kicks towards him. Catherine uses the distraction to send her own attack but doesn't make it far. We are too outnumbered. Murray starts laughing. "You guys really think you can escape? Oh Joshua, I forgot to say. The first time I caught these two, they had just come back from the waterpark. He had on the dorkiest swim trunks. Though seeing Miss. Hale in a bikini is something I would do again."

I know I'm not the best fighter but hearing him say that made me jump at him. Catherine did the same thing. Joshua even looked annoyed at the comment, which Erica used to her advantage. She kicked away his arms and flung herself at Murray. There was no chance that Murray was going to survive this. Except when Joshua pinned Erica down to the floor, Ashley flung herself at Catherine, and Warren put a gun up to my head. I didn't even see Ashley and Warren before. I guess Warren has been teaching Ashley about camouflage. Murray yells, "Guys! Just stop! There is no way you are going to escape us. You are on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean with no backup. There are only WLA agents on this."

I then understand the gravity of this situation. "You mean we are the only normal people on here? The rest of them are evil!"

"Yep, that's how we were able to figure out you were here in the first place. Joshua here wasn't going to join us on this ship until later, but once he heard that you guys were here, he had to join the fun."

Joshua shakes his head. "The surprise of me being alive could have been delayed if you could actually capture people."

Murray looks hurt. "Hey, I captured them now!"

"No, I captured them! Now, I have complete control over everyone here. So, agents, take these four to our holding cell." He points a metal finger at me and Erica. "Except those two I have something else planned for them. Take him to an isolated cell. He is too intelligent to be with the rest of them. Take her to my room. We have to talk."

With that we were all being whisked away on what will become the worst day of my life so far.  

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