Chapter 15

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It isn't too hard to find Trixie, because there is one main hallway here. Plus, I had a pretty good idea of where she was going. I was able to catch up with her in about 43 seconds. She looks surprised to see me. "Ben, what are you doing here?"

"Uh, helping you free Erica.

"But I thought you were against the idea of freeing Erica."

"I'm not against it. I would actually love to free her. It would just be very hard, because of the security around her. Which means we need to come up with a plan to get her out right now."

"You should do the planning. I haven't done any spy work, and you probably know I can't think things through very well."

"Well coming up with plans doesn't mean you have to be a good spy, though I have a good idea of what we could do."

"Ooh, what is it?"

"Well, we need to get into Joshua's room, free Erica, and get out without triggering any alarms. The best way to do that is to make sure that the alarms are turned off."

"Are you going to disable all the alarms in his room!"

"Sadly, I'm not good enough at hacking to do that yet."

"So, what is your plan to do that?"

"Well, when Joshua goes into his room, I'm guessing that all of the security goes away. He doesn't want to worry about having to go around all of his traps. If we can get him to be in the room, leave in a hurry, forgetting to turn on the security, we should be able to get Erica. Then she can help us escape. That's her type of thing."

"But how would we do that?"

"By getting one of us captured."

Trixie's eyes go wide. "But isn't that what we don't want to do?"

"Once we have Erica, we can easily free you. That's what she is good at."

"Is my sister a really good spy?"

"She is one of the best in my school. Honestly, your entire family is amazing, well except for Alexander, but he is working on it."

"Wow, I wish I could have joined you guys."

"Trust me, as amazing as this sounds, it's almost better being normal."

"I guess."

We turn the hall to see Joshua's room. I hear his voice coming from inside of it. He seems to be yelling at Erica, very understandable. I hide where the door is going to open, and signal for Trixie to make her move. She opens the door and runs into the room shouting, "Erica, get out of here!"

Joshua turns around to face a surprised Trixie. Trixie's acting skills are almost as good as Erica, she is a natural, and would definitely be a good spy. Joshua quickly pins Trixie down to the ground and yells, "How did you get here?"

Trixie feigns being frightened perfectly. "Ben freed us. They all said that freeing Erica would be impossible, but I ran away from them. I couldn't leave Erica all alone," she stutters.

Joshua's face turns violent. He picks a sedation gun out of his pocket and shoot Trixie. She grunts in pain and quickly blacks out. He then swings her over his shoulder and walks out of the door quickly, forgetting to turn on the security, just like I planned. He seems to be taking Trixie back to the cells they were just in. Once he passes the corner and I can't see him anymore, I walk into the room. Erica's face brightens slightly when she sees me. I run over to her and see that she is pinned down on the bed by several cuffs. I don't know how to pick them. She signals to the one on her right hand. I start trying to pick it. I also only have a few minutes to get her free, before Joshua comes back. The lock is super hard to pick. I can't seem to get her free. In frustration, I kick it really hard. Somehow, it breaks, and freed her right hand. After that Erica has everything under control. In less than a minute, all the other locks pining her down have been picked and she gets up out of the bed and pulls her blindfold and gag off. The minute she sees me she runs up and hugs me. We both turn beet red, and Erica backs up realizing that she had just hugged me.

"Sorry. Joshua told me that he had killed you all."

"No, it's fine. We have to save Trixie now. Joshua took her down to the cells."

Erica shakes her head and turns back into the Ice Queen. "No, we are not going to save her." 

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