Chapter 17

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Here it is! Sorry for the wait. Though I had a great vacation! Enjoy the chapter!


After a few minutes Erica rises. "We don't have any time to waste! We need to figure out how to stop WLA!"

She runs towards the machine on the top of the boat. I have to sprint to keep up with her. She stops to examine it. "It probably has some sort of remote control. If we can find that, we can turn it off, and set things back to normal. We need to do it quickly though; we are running out of time."

I nod my head. Find the remote stop Joshua and WLA. Got it. Erica takes my hand and pulls me towards the stairs. "We need to go back to Joshua's room. There should be a remote to control that machine, kind of like the detonator."

I start to follow her down the stairs but stop halfway down. "Erica, shouldn't we destroy the helicopter. If we do succeed in defeating WLA, some of them might try to escape on the helicopter. If that's gone, they have no way of making it out of here, except for being captured."

Erica is about to respond but then abruptly turns down the stairs. She starts to muse for a little then comes up with a plan. "Yeah, we should do that. Good idea."

She turns and quietly runs up the stairs. I follow her over to the helicopter. But before we can do anything, I hear a sharp voice yell, "stop! And put your hands up!"

I turn around to see Joshua Hallal right behind me with Dane Brammage and Ashley Sparks besides him. I groan, how many times do I have to kill Dane. So far, he has fallen out of a plane, gotten buried by an avalanche, fallen into a frozen lake, fell into a shark tank, had a large piece of a water slide fall on his head, and fallen off of the Eifel tower. Though this time it seems he took a page out of Joshua's book. His right leg and arm are both prosthetic. Though he is still as intimidating as ever. Erica puts her hands above her head, and I follow suit. Joshua smirks, having captured us again, but Erica flings herself forwards towards Joshua. I've never seen Erica and Joshua fight before, but it's one of the best I've ever seen. Both of them seem to know what the other is going to do before they even move. Sadly, Joshua has a little bit of an unfair advantage, because he a weapon and Erica doesn't. I can't see how the fight is going though, because Ashley Sparks slams into me.

We both go tumbling on top of the boat. I force myself to get up and face her, though I have no chance. Ashley has gotten the closest to beating Erica, so she will be able to beat me with her eyes closed. She launches herself towards me and sends a kick towards my stomach. I manage to somehow deflect the kick, but then she punches me. One final kick sends me tumbling off the side of the boat. Just as I'm about to fall of the boat, and into the water, I'm able to grab onto the side of the boat. Ashley walks over to me and says, "goodbye jidiot."

Just as she is about to grab onto my hands and pull me off the side of the boat, she falls down in pain. In her leg is a bullet. She screams in pain, but I can't help her because I'm still hanging on for my life, trying to not fall into the water. I look over to see Erica holding one of Joshua's guns. She was the one who shot Ashley. Sadly, she sees the position I'm in and puts her hands up. "I'm stopping. Just let me get Ben."

Joshua agrees and takes his gun back. Erica walks over to me and lifts me back onto the boat. Then I feel the familiar feeling of a gun being placed on my head. I see Joshua do the same to Erica. A WLA agent comes up the stairs and picks up Ashley. As she is being taken away Erica murmurs to her, "you're lucky. I was aiming for the head." I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Erica was smirking, and I even caught Joshua smiling a little.

Ashley yells back, "Fuck you jidiot! I'm going to be the one alive in a few hours, not you. And then I bet you'll wish you were me."

Erica responds, "I don't think anyone would ever want to be you."

Dane and Joshua start to walk us back down the stairs. Joshua is back to his cocky self, now that he has captured us again. "I told you that you would never be able to get away from me."

Erica quickly responds, "We will escape you again. Honestly, it's not even that hard. I thought you were better at capturing people. Plus, we know what your plan is now too. We can easily stop it."

Joshua glares at her. "I don't think so." He pulls a remote out of his pocket. "Right now, you two are captured, and I still have this. Your other friends are completely oblivious to the trouble that you two are in, and soon, I will have succeeded in taking away the world's fresh water supply!"

Joshua and Dane stop at a door, and Joshua take out a little key card. He swipes it on the reader outside, and the door opens. Erica and I get shoved into the room. Joshua smirks, "it was nice knowing you." Then he shuts the door, and we hear it lock. 

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