Chapter 20

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Hello people. As a celebration of Spy School At Sea, and chapter 20, I'm going to do a double update today. Maybe even a triple update, depending on how much time I have. I also started my next book, and I think it's going to be really good, so I want to finish this, so I can start posting that. Well here is this first chapter. Be on the lookout for a second or maybe a third later today. 


I run over to Erica and hug her without thinking. She shoves me off of her gently. "It's nice to see you too Ben. But we have bigger things to think about right now. Like getting off this boat as quickly as possible. And calling the CIA to make sure they can arrest everyone on this boat once it docks."

"Erica honey. What did you do?" Catherine asks.

"I just thwarted WLA's plans."

My eyes go wide. "How?"

"Well, let's start at the beginning. Ben and I were in a room about to die. Ben had blacked out, and I had no idea how to escape. That's when Trixie opens the door. It turns out that she had escaped the prison all by herself."

"I told you I would be a good spy." Trixie says.

"Being able to break out of a prison with no guards is something even amateurs could do. But Trixie and I brought Ben back to you and decided to start of our own investigation. Because as you all were finding out, we are running out of time to stop WLA. It wasn't too hard to find out how their operation was working. There is a remote just like you guessed. It controls the machine and was lying out in the open on Joshua's desk."

"Well, was lying out in the open on Joshua's desk." Trixie interrupts. "Though you still have to answer my question is this the same Joshua that was your boyfriend?"

I cringe and see Mike do the same next to me. Luckily Erica doesn't decapitate her sister. Though it looks like she wants to. Instead, she quickly changes the subject.

"I told you to stop interrupting me." Erica growls. "But yes, we did steal the remote control to the machine. Honestly, it wasn't too hard. I was able to quickly hack into the security and turn off all the security measures protecting the remote. It was almost too easy."

"There is one problem though." Trixie says.

Erica glares at her sister. "There are no problems. I just successfully thwarted WLA's plan."

Trixie looks confused. She whispers into her sister's ear. "Did you forget about the one complication. About not being."

Erica cuts her sister off, saying something I can't hear. When Erica doesn't want someone to hear what she is saying, it's impossible to hear her.

I do hear Trixie say, "Com on Sis. Are you embarrassed? Is that why you won't tell them? Then I will."

Erica growls, "shut up!"

"Well, we did run into a slight problem." Trixie says. "We got the remote, but don't know how to reverse it."

"Give it to me darling." Catherine says. "I might be able to try."

Trixie gives the remote to Catherine. She starts to inspect it, and then breaks the remote in half. Inside is clock with numbers going up quickly.

"I know how to stop it!" I gasp.

The others look at me. "How?"

I take the remote from Catherine. "Erica, do you have a safecracker on you?"

Erica looks confused, but hands me a safecracker. I take the safecracker and remove the mechanics from the inside. I wire it up and start the safecracker. Soon enough, the numbers start to go back down to zero!

Everyone looks happy and excited that we thwarted WLA, except for Erica.

"Erica, what's wrong?" I ask.

"I don't know. It just seems too easy. Like we are missing something. It's never been this easy to thwart anyone before."

"Maybe it's just because we are an awesome team." I say.

"Guys look!" Trixie shouts.

We all look at the numbers on the remote control. It's stopped at 1,497.

"What happened?" I ask. "Why did it stop?"

"Maybe because it was too easy." Some says behind us.  

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